
Having a senior moment
Hi folks....
Kai is now looking at the fact tha he is stripping the body panels from his 109. The old girl will need to be sprayed before being completed... but he was asking me this evening whether the resprays should be panel by panel - thus covering areas that a resparay would not reach if it happens after the rebuild...

or wait till the rebuild is complete and do the whole thing in one shot.

I was wondering what other people's opinions were in this area.. and whether there are pitfalls in either direction that we should be aware of...

i tend to do panel by panel as i believe that

a. it gives protection to the seams and joins
b. it enables yu to protect areas that yu cannot reach when assembled.
Agree with MHM, and spraying when you are having a bad day has definite negative consequences - at least panel by panel you can stop and go and do something else before you end up having to rub down acres of paint and start again.
Plus you can spray panels much more easily in a warm domestic garage, and spray them flat when necessary.
The only thing I would say is be ready for paint mismatches on the final coat - doing the whole car you`ll mix enough for the whole car (I hope), but panel by panel its more difficult to judge and replicating the mix is tricky. I would spray together all the panels which fit together just in case, for example spraying all the panels on one side then the other, not all the doors, all the wings etc
ill agree with MHM aswell but make sure if your doing all the pannels inside and out get atleast 5 litres of paint as i found out the hard way that running out of paint half way through aint much fun

ive got to blow half of mine back in to match the rest of it now :mad::mad::mad:
Thank you for the advice... perhaps I will simpkly get enough paint mixed for all the panels and then some.

I know little about spraying... so it is going to be e learning curve for me and hopefully an education for Kai too. Once I have read everything the net has to offer on the subject I am sure that I will be back with more silly questions!
if you want to spray it all at once i would advise at least spraying the joints first before reassembling otherwise the paint could start to peel and crack at the joints after a while. thats similar to what i done on mine although in the end i decided to spray all the panels as i repaired them them fitted to the vehicle. i will be giving mine another respray in the summer, same colour but its just to give it a thicker final coat.
hi im a painter and i would say if your doing them at home in your garage only get the garage warm and make sure the panels are warm b4 you paint them and also make sure the paint is at room temperature it can make alot of differance in application .is it 2k solid or water based ?and clear coat ?im goint to gues it is 2k solid when you order the paint get a xtra fast hardender for it i would say that 4 litres would be plenty i would only use 2 but depending on wastage and your tec you will use more.i say only do 3 panels at time if your in a normal size garage ?give the paint a good stir just mix hardener and thiners to what you need take your time and set panels up so you can get round them easy well hope that helps you out a bit want any tips let me know good luck
hi im a painter and i would say if your doing them at home in your garage only get the garage warm and make sure the panels are warm b4 you paint them and also make sure the paint is at room temperature it can make alot of differance in application .is it 2k solid or water based ?and clear coat ?im goint to gues it is 2k solid when you order the paint get a xtra fast hardender for it i would say that 4 litres would be plenty i would only use 2 but depending on wastage and your tec you will use more.i say only do 3 panels at time if your in a normal size garage ?give the paint a good stir just mix hardener and thiners to what you need take your time and set panels up so you can get round them easy well hope that helps you out a bit want any tips let me know good luck

Thanks... that was helpful.... though I am sure it will make plenty more sense once my research is done:D

I guess the advantage of doing it panel by panel is going to be that he will learn from panel 1 what he did wrong... and adjust technique on panel 2 - after all he can always go back to panel 1, rub it down and do it again.

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