
New Member
Guys on my 2 1/4 petrol 90 i have a small hose connected to the air box that runs to a small gizmo on inner wing with a reset button.. any ideas what this is?:confused:
If it goes red yur airfilter is blocked and yur engine will go bang

Hmmmmm, not nessarily, mine turned red, i changed the airfilter and low and behold the next day the gizmo had turned red again.
The guy at the Landie garage said ignore it, they all do that after alota years. Just replace the filter every 12 months

So, If it aint been replaced in the last 12 months replace it.
Hmmmmm, not nessarily, mine turned red, i changed the airfilter and low and behold the next day the gizmo had turned red again.
The guy at the Landie garage said ignore it, they all do that after alota years. Just replace the filter every 12 months

So, If it aint been replaced in the last 12 months replace it.

Oh sorry.....its supposed to tell you when your air filter needs with all landrover gizmology there is some leaway between whether it works or not.


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