
New Member
Moevd to a rural setting and the wild life killed the Audi ('Roo strike at 80kph :( ).

Both the Mrs & I are fans of the Rangie, however after all the research I have done over the last 3 months, the ony thing I am sure of is that like any "prestige" vehicle you get's what's ya pays for........

OK so the requirements are:

  1. A fast (legal ;) ) cruiser (3 hrs from home to Airport and I fly as part of my job a hell of a lot)
  2. Rural so has to have off road ability (2nd vehicle if I have to rescue Ma'am with the Japanese 4WD truck heh heh )
  3. Must be able to handle towing tandem axle trailor / Horse float for Ma'am
So at this stage I am in 2nd hand mode ( Sorry cannot afford a new motor in Australia !)

So my choice at this stage is 2003/03 R.R. HSE - Petrol or Deisel or the R.R. Sport (TD or V8)

Faced with these choices (yes a real bugger I know), what would you buy & why?

Also if you are in "Awestraya" is there a decent LR dealer within 200km of Melbourne that really does know their collective stuff, not fussed on the sales side, but I am driven by getting a decent service department if I buy from a dealer.

People, this a a genuine request for info, as I have 17 days to make a call & get things moving before I get back home from this business trip so all opinions greatly appreciated

Ta muchly
all out of my price league as i drive a P38 but IMHO the RR vogue is a million times better than a sport. - if you want a sports car, dont buy a two tonne off roader.
i think the L322 vogue would be awesome
Roger - I hear that noise having owned & driven some very overweight sports cars pre nuptuals.......

OK so are the electrics and Airbags as bad as what I appear to be hearing from the various forums and the P38 over the new shape?

Just how bad is the build quality of the post 2000 RR's? or is it a cse of the people just not servicing their rides?
Also if you are in "Awestraya" is there a decent LR dealer within 200km of Melbourne that really does know their collective stuff, not fussed on the sales side, but I am driven by getting a decent service department if I buy from a dealer Ta muchly

paulm I'm in Vic. Don't think there is anything official LR [or independant] in the western part of Victoria. May be one in Ballarat now. Plenty of independants in and around Melbourne though. What area of Victoria are you talking about? Some of the good independants also sell RRs and have top class service depts.. More info from you would help. Cheers.
Just how bad is the build quality of the post 2000 RR's? or is it a cse of the people just not servicing their rides?[/quote]

my 2001 p38 appears to be well built, except perhaps the glove box which doesn't seem to close that well
I thought people in that part of the world had more success using a Toyota Land Cruiser. I know Land Cruiser is a dirty word in the UK, but I thought spares and service were more redly available in the antipodes.
Correct Mud Flap. The Land Cruiser is more popular. A cheaper purchase price helps and many rural LC's are tray cabs, not the wagon. Also, most don't realise that parts prices for LC's and RR's are often similar and sometimes the RR is cheaper. Myth beats fact anytime.

Paulm04 - yes, there are some potential problem areas with a P38 but they are not universal or guaranteed to happen or to happen simultaneously either. All marques have problems.
Mudflap / LSE - correct on both which is why the drive to RR (excuse the pun) - Premium put on "Toymotor & Blissan" by the Minerals & Energy sector is horrendous for a decent 2nd hand vehicle & the parts in Australia are also v damned expensive.

2nd vehicle for the farm is a Mazda flat bed 2.6 4WD - does the job but is still a truck and after driving it back the 300km from place of purchase, my back & kidneys are STILL not talking to me (and no not from abuse or over indulgence!!!)

Roger on the issues that all cars have, just really keen to seperate fact from jaundiced experience or fiction that I have seen on multiple forums - There will be a Rangie in my driveway shortly but will be selected based on confirmation of info that people are kind enough to offer up from their own experiences. Something about re inventing the wheel....?

LSE - thanks for the good info - dropped a line back to you.

Thanks people

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