
New Member
Hi Guys,

Just changed the D/S rear wheel bearing on the RRC and in the process of doing it i noticed the solid brake hose near the calier had a kink in it so as i gently tried to straighten it out... it ripped.

How do i go about fixing it?

Ive had 2 thoughts, Nip to halfrauds or similar and buy some hose, a flare tool, some brake fluid, and possibly a bender.

Get the old hose off, make a new one with similar bends, cut the ends of the old hose, slide on to new hose then flare. Is this correct?

OR, as the kink/tear is only an inch or 2 off the end, can i just shorten the hose ?

Need a quick response as my girlfriends home 7ish and will KILL me if the cars not driving !
When you say hose I'm assuming you mean pipe? Get copper pipe as it's easier to work with, new unions should be used really but you can re-use the old one's if the come off easily.
Good luck.
Der hose is der bendy flexible bit and der pipe is der bits wot joins der flexies togevver :rolleyes:

Wot bit yer talkin about? :decision:
Sorry guys - meant pipe. The rigid section just behind the caliper that run along the axel then up to a joint leading to the flexy pipe.

What are my options? just brought abit of hose, cutter + flarer but it seems the ends arent as i expected.
I just whip old ones off and take them to local garage who mormaly only charge couple of beers to knock em up for me :)
Sorry guys - meant pipe. The rigid section just behind the caliper that run along the axel then up to a joint leading to the flexy pipe.

What are my options? just brought abit of hose, cutter + flarer but it seems the ends arent as i expected.
arent as expected ? you only need 3/16 copper pipe with std metric fittings std flare convex for male fittings and concave for female ,copper will bend easily without a bender by hand ,you can join pipes with male and female fittings just remember the female has extra flare operation
The flare kit makes concave and convex you just need to work out how to use it ;);)

Ps don't put a join in if the pipes snapped bending it , then replace it !
take your tools back and do wot Uncle Albert said

You shouldnt play with brakes if you dont know wot to do

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