
New Member
Hi Gang, got a question for you - and it's to do with electrics!! I'm perfectly happy rooting around in the engine bay and exploring underneath too but there's one thing I've avoided like the plague and that's anything electrical :eek: - dunno why, just a 'thing' of mine. Anyhow, the rear light of my old girl needs replacing - got the Britpart replacement, took the old light out, took one look at the wiring (3 into 2 don't go do they?) and stuffed the thing back in again before running away muttering profanities. Feeling brave today and up for a challenge but can anyone give me an idiots guide to replacing an original rear light with an aftermarket one?

(I bet it's really simple and I'm gonna feel like a complete Twonk but what's new :D)
Hi Kaz!

Should be quite straigt forward. There is a colour code if you search on here somewhere although I don;t think Britpart use the same colours they use Red Black Green Black. whereas all LR wiring is Green with a trace but its not too bad.

All blacks go to ground or -ve make sure the tags on the lights themselves are clean as tis screw also acts as an earth/-ve. should be quite straight forward just do one light at a time and replace each wire where you take it from. Shout if you need advice. Andy and Pop were returning from a Paddocks run so Andy will be about in his garage pottering about so just shout! Jai
Green/White Direction indicator switch to right-hand flasher lamps
Green/Red Direction indicator switch to left-hand flasher lamps

Green/Purple Stop lamp switch to stop lamps; or stop lamp switch to lamp failure unit

I gotta shoot home will have a lok see when i get back Jai
The original one will most likely be made of metal where the bulb fits, so it will earth through the screw that holds it to the body. The new one is probably made from plastic where the bulb goes so it may have an extra wire to earth it to the body.
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Put the Britpart one in the bin would be my advice. I have tried replacement type lamps and they have been rubbish - the plastic which holds the bulb in is sub-standard - I found when doing off road at speed, the bulbs jump out the holders. Now using genuine LR lamps and I do not have that issue.

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