I'll pop outside now and have a squirt. Fresh out of Plusgas so it'll have to be WD.

WD should only ever be used as aftershave.

Hair? You have hair??:rolleyes:

Err yes, nearly as much as your avatar (which, I'm guessing is not actually you), not quite as white though, and not as thin on the top, not as long as it was in the 60s and 70's, but I still cut it every year whether it needs it or not. :)
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What?? :eek:


Another illusion shattered......

I know - I had this mental image of a wise, Merlin-type sage, living a bucolic existence in rural France, dispensing pearls of wisdom from his vast fund of knowledge and experience . . .

What image do we replace it with??? :eek:

NOOOOOOOOOOO! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Oh ****! - sorry sorry sorry for prompting this. :eek:

(unless of course that actually IS Datatek) :confused:
Very good.

If I can bring this back on topic ...

This evening I changed the front shocks. However, I'm a little worried. RAVE states that the rubbers on the shocks should be arranged like so:


However, the rubbers and washers as supplied and on the car looked like this:


I put them on as per RAVE, although the shape the lower end goes in seems to mirror the way they came supplied.

Also, I was torqueing the nut up to 45Nm as per RAVE using my torque wrench but before it reached the required value the but just seemed to spin as if the threads were stripped. Same thing both sides. I had a spanner on the shock body so I'm sure that wasn't spinning.

Anyone know if RAVE is right in this instance? It seems very clear and seems to have gone out of its way to make it clear. The shocks I took off were Britpart so we're already in dodgy territory!
45Nm isn't a lot - presumably that's a Nyloc nut on there? It just needs to compress the rubbers a bit..
No, 45Nm isn't a lot! More worried about the rubber alignment. It is done as per RAVE but is it right?!

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