Just aboot to replace my Pump too, and i know dam well the bolts will snap/sheer/round, even after two days of rust penetrating nasty stuff.
Ahh the joys, found a new use for the wifes popup gazeebo, to keep my dry as well.
Just aboot to replace my Pump too, and i know dam well the bolts will snap/sheer/round, even after two days of rust penetrating nasty stuff.
Ahh the joys, found a new use for the wifes popup gazeebo, to keep my dry as well.

Hi TBP, when I did the pump on my wife's Disco the bolts weren't tight at all to undo, but I did use 6 sided sockets so had no slipping problems.
Ahh success, well at least the pump came off, just used another spanner to hold the pulley.
Now to get the new one back on, bleed and road test as i replaced the front bearings,discs and pads......fingers crossed, as i think i might have done the hub nuts to tight!!
Oh well it started to go back on OK but there was one of the bolts missing from the pump bracket to the auxiliary engine mounting bracket and two of the bolts stripped the internal thread on the Aux mounting bracket and they were no where near the torque settings....hmmm what to do now? Any ideas please?
...two of the bolts stripped the internal thread on the Aux mounting bracket and they were no where near the torque settings....hmmm what to do now? Any ideas please?

Drill and tap a size larger? Probably not much else you can do, to be honest. Not worth messing with Helicoils there, I'd have thought.

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