
Well-Known Member
Just a quick question...

I'm about to replace my foam bulkhead vent seals which have perished. Initially I purchased the older style rubber seals which attach securely around the vent. I had read somewhere that these older rubber style type offered much better protection and prevented water ingress. After reading LRO magazine It suggest that the newer foam type are better and should be used. Obviously I then ordered the newer style foam type that attach to the vent flap. This is the type which is currently on the landy.

I'm now sitting here with both the rubber and foam seal and am unsure which ones to fit...?! Which ones do you have and are they any good.? ;):D
Im in exactly the same boat. I replaced my foam vent seals for new OEM foam seals and they let more water in than the originals.
I think im going to try the older rubber ones
Series rubber seals are much better than the foam ones.

I fitted series seals to my Defender and as long as they are done up tight I have no more leaks (from there anyway!)
Well unwisely I went and fitted the new foam jobbies - Yup guessed right, they're coming off in the morning so that I can fit the old rubber series ones. They were on 6 hours before they started leaking. :(
Well unwisely I went and fitted the new foam jobbies - Yup guessed right, they're coming off in the morning so that I can fit the old rubber series ones. They were on 6 hours before they started leaking. :(

Bit quick to make a decision isn't it?

I went with foam and on day 1 the foam resists being squashed so the compression at the top holds the lower edge away & leaves a small gap.

As time goes by, the top edge deforms more permanantly about the folded edge of the flap allowing the bottom edge to make contact and seal better.

Admittedly mine hasn't seen a lot of rain but I'm quite happy with the seal now. I too had bought both types and the rubber ones are now back in the spares tub never to see the light of day again!
Just replaced my foam for the series style. The rubber bulkhead mounted seal IS the only way to go.
Just replaced my foam for the series style. The rubber bulkhead mounted seal IS the only way to go.

I think I tend to agree - I'm just try to see where I can get some tiger seal from. Do any of the major outlets stock it without going online.?!
Self adhesive neoprene section from ebay is the kiddy.
Used it on my S2 and the 90 achieves a real good seal and unlike the rubber ones actually compresses up nice and tight.
Cant remember the size sorry, but 14mm wide rings a bell?

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