andy vash

Active Member
Hi, lm just after some advice. I need to replace the A Frame ball joint on my 90 however when l try and undo the casalated nut on the ball joint it just turns. Can anyone advise in how l can undo this nut?
Hi, lm just after some advice. I need to replace the A Frame ball joint on my 90 however when l try and undo the casalated nut on the ball joint it just turns. Can anyone advise in how l can undo this nut?
apply pressure to the top of the joint with a lever or jack,if worst comes to the worst nut will split easy with a decent hammer and chisel
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Hi, lm just after some advice. I need to replace the A Frame ball joint on my 90 however when l try and undo the casalated nut on the ball joint it just turns. Can anyone advise in how l can undo this nut?
Angle grinder.
I’ve tried pressure, but it still just turns. I’ll try hammer and chisel and if that fails l’ll get the angle grinder out. Is the ball joint under pressure do l need to jack it up and support the axle when l remove the ball joint ?
What jamesmartin and Al203 said; you're replacing the part and nut so no need to faff about, pick your weapon and go to town on it.

Us civillised folk use nut splitters, rather than the yobbos wi' there hammers and noisy cutting things :p
What jamesmartin and Al203 said; you're replacing the part and nut so no need to faff about, pick your weapon and go to town on it.

Us civillised folk use nut splitters, rather than the yobbos wi' there hammers and noisy cutting things :p
Aye, but you're posh doon Sooth though! ;):p
I've drilled a series of holes in the nut when I've done it before then give it some with a bolster chisel :D

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