I fitted a set of these in the green camo, great fit, waterproof, and have stood up nicely to my Labrador riding on the back seats (don't worry, he wears a harness that plugs in to the seat belt units).
Their customer service is really good too, very helpful staff.
Id like fully fitted, as the loose covers dont look too good. £240 for a replacement black leather front set isnt too much, and would lift the tired ones I have. All the ones on Ebay, are generally worn, and close to the cost of a new set of covers.
All I can tell you is that the official LR ones which came with the Disco 2 when I bought it, have worked really well with our dogs and fit extremely well too. You can even access stuff Like the cup holder on the rear arm-rest etc, Which you will never be able to do with poor aftermarket ones.