
Technician, Bodgit & Scarper Ltd
Full Member
As I've only got one key I am seriously considering getting another fob from the stealers. Unfortunately I don't have much in the way of history for my car so have no idea if I have the original BECM or anything else for that matter. Is there anyway to tell is the BECM or remote is original? A code on the side? A way to read with the Nancom?
When I had to buy my new key Mozz smith on here told me to buy key No. 4!! as the numbers on my 2 keys had worn away,and I wouldn't know if 1 of them was 1-2 or told me it was at my own risk buying a new fob as a previous owner could of changed locks/BECM...£145 up front and fingers crossed!! 1 week later fetched it back and it worked!! But he told me he has had a couple not work due to different locks.. Don't know about the nanocom? Just seems a bit of a gamble you have to take like I did,suppose you could PM Mozz smith and ask his advice
As I've only got one key I am seriously considering getting another fob from the stealers. Unfortunately I don't have much in the way of history for my car so have no idea if I have the original BECM or anything else for that matter. Is there anyway to tell is the BECM or remote is original? A code on the side? A way to read with the Nancom?

I'm not certain about the Nanocom but I know that a Faultmate can tell you. However, as you have to go to the main stealers to get your key why not bite the bullet and get them to plug into the car. They will probably charge you but at least then it will be their fault if the key doesn't work and you'll know a bit more about your car. Expensive maybe but still cheaper than buying a duff key.
I'm not certain about the Nanocom but I know that a Faultmate can tell you. However, as you have to go to the main stealers to get your key why not bite the bullet and get them to plug into the car. They will probably charge you but at least then it will be their fault if the key doesn't work and you'll know a bit more about your car. Expensive maybe but still cheaper than buying a duff key.

Tha barstewards never gave me that option!
They (main dealer) just told me if it don't work then it's just bad luck and no refund.. I would have paid for the diagnostic option if I'd have known they could of checked the keys,bloody glad it worked when I picked it up :)
OK. There's a good independent round here so might be worth seeing if he has the kit to tell.



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