
New Member
timpsons have started doing keys with transponders in.They match a newly cut key with yours then programme it to match it.then hey presto! Or is it?ive been back twice now and still it doesnt work.It opens the door turns the ignition puts the dash lights on but thats it! why wont it work? any ideas folks?
data timing and power issues are possible as contact less and sends code.
So it is quite possible the key is not powered.

for example out van has normal key and a chipped fob-unless fob held exactly next to key =fob not read
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just tried it again with the original next to it and still nowt.Also the key will only turn when put in the ignition a certain way up? just to add i dont have the 2 button key fob,all i have one key.
Having the two transponder keys together will just confuse any signal.

Provided the car starts OK with the original key then the fault has to be the transponder in the new key.

The key having to be a certain way up is because it's not been cut accurately but it wont matter as long as you can turn the ignition barrel.

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