john snoo

Well-Known Member
Anyone know where I can get a decent used manual gearbox?
Mine is notchy as hell, sometimes won't go into gear. It's definitely the gearbox. Wondering where a replacement can be got from? I think mine was an Ashcroft one (looks it) so looking for a genuine one which has a smooth change. Trouble is, buying a scrapper off an unknown person is risky as no way to know how nice it changes gear until it's bloody fitted! So if anyone has any trustworthy fellers they can recommend, I am Prince Charles (all ears) :D

Also any idea what sort of price they usually are?

Thanks muchly
Thanks Stan. too much money unfortunately. I also am not that impressed with Ashcroft gearbox work, long story, but I'd basically just like a genuine one from a used vehicle. If I can find one of course!
Thanks Stan. too much money unfortunately. I also am not that impressed with Ashcroft gearbox work, long story, but I'd basically just like a genuine one from a used vehicle. If I can find one of course!
Most praise Ashcroft to the skies, but you are not the only one to say this about them, but you may only be the 2nd.
Have you Googled for salvaged/dismantled etc ones?
Also not meaning to offend but have you changed the oil in it?
If it will go in but is just notchy, it could be this, i.e. lack of oil.
The one on my D1 V8 is a sod to get into first gear, but I think it is just that the gearlever connection is worn somewhere cos once in it drives really well and other changes are OK. I'd take the gear lever off and have a damn good look at it, especially any wear on the ball type bit.
Talking somewhat in the dark here as, although i have taken the lever out of my D1 to access the bits for the T-box, to free off the difflock, I didn't look too closely at it before putting it all back together!
It may all be in RAVE or Haynes.
Best of luck!

PS have you tried double-declutching? If that works then it may be the synchro rings.
Find a local specialist and ask them

Get it rebuilt cheaper in the end.

I went through a number of scrapyard boxes with a Sunbeam hatch, I think I killed 2 or 3.

In the end I took my favourite (close ratio ex 1500 Avenger) paid £100 (a lot at the time) and got it rebuilt.

Still fine a few years later.
Find a local specialist and ask them

Get it rebuilt cheaper in the end.

I went through a number of scrapyard boxes with a Sunbeam hatch, I think I killed 2 or 3.

In the end I took my favourite (close ratio ex 1500 Avenger) paid £100 (a lot at the time) and got it rebuilt.

Still fine a few years later.
If you go this route, do try and get a recommendation from someplace that can be trusted. I got one rebuilt by a load of cowboys, had to redo it myself a year later.:(
Maybe a local Landy place, Indy maybe, will know of one you can trust.
Most praise Ashcroft to the skies, but you are not the only one to say this about them, but you may only be the 2nd.
Have you Googled for salvaged/dismantled etc ones?
Also not meaning to offend but have you changed the oil in it?
If it will go in but is just notchy, it could be this, i.e. lack of oil.
The one on my D1 V8 is a sod to get into first gear, but I think it is just that the gearlever connection is worn somewhere cos once in it drives really well and other changes are OK. I'd take the gear lever off and have a damn good look at it, especially any wear on the ball type bit.
Talking somewhat in the dark here as, although i have taken the lever out of my D1 to access the bits for the T-box, to free off the difflock, I didn't look too closely at it before putting it all back together!
It may all be in RAVE or Haynes.
Best of luck!

PS have you tried double-declutching? If that works then it may be the synchro rings.

Thanks as always Stan.
"not meaning to offend but...." - You know me better than that. I don't take offence at all, ever, unless someone is clearly trying to do so. Then it's popcorn time. :D
Yep changed the oil. Twice, proper stuff (MTF 94/92 - can't remember which but it was the right one!). I then spent £100 on Swepco which made a big difference but not enough to get rid of the notchiness altogether.
I suspect it's synchro related as it changes fine and smooth with no notchiness when engine is off. But a cheap gearbox swap would confirm.
Re Ashcroft - Well I don't go by other people's opinion (although I do know they have a good name generally). Just in my experience I haven't thought much of their reconditioned boxes, same actually goes for a friend of mine who's had quite a few through his hands. BUT -- I know many happy customers too so I certainly am not knocking them. If I had the money I'd probably consider it, but I dont so it's moot :)
i 've had the top off this gearbox and replaced the ball joint thingermeejiggie and various other bits, and bias springs which tightened up the stick nicely. It's just got a horrible 'catch' especially when cold, it's bearable (and yes double declutch does help a bit), I just want this thing perfect as poss because I am spending a lot on it underneath and need it to drive nice rather than gritting my teeth trying to love her but hating her, bit like the mistress.
Thanks as always Stan.
"not meaning to offend but...." - You know me better than that. I don't take offence at all, ever, unless someone is clearly trying to do so. Then it's popcorn time. :D
Yep changed the oil. Twice, proper stuff (MTF 94/92 - can't remember which but it was the right one!). I then spent £100 on Swepco which made a big difference but not enough to get rid of the notchiness altogether.
I suspect it's synchro related as it changes fine and smooth with no notchiness when engine is off. But a cheap gearbox swap would confirm.
Re Ashcroft - Well I don't go by other people's opinion (although I do know they have a good name generally). Just in my experience I haven't thought much of their reconditioned boxes, same actually goes for a friend of mine who's had quite a few through his hands. BUT -- I know many happy customers too so I certainly am not knocking them. If I had the money I'd probably consider it, but I dont so it's moot :)
i 've had the top off this gearbox and replaced the ball joint thingermeejiggie and various other bits, and bias springs which tightened up the stick nicely. It's just got a horrible 'catch' especially when cold, it's bearable (and yes double declutch does help a bit), I just want this thing perfect as poss because I am spending a lot on it underneath and need it to drive nice rather than gritting my teeth trying to love her but hating her, bit like the mistress.
Thanks for the accurate picture.
It does sound like the synchro rings are worn. Was there any debris when you changed the oil?
I'm a bit weird and old skool and actually enjoy double declutching, but there you go!
I've rebuilt a few gearboxes but no a LR one. IF you can get the bits it might be an idea, but I found some of them very expensive especially when I had to find a layshaft.:(:(:(
Ha, then I am weird too. I like double declutching too but my wife and son don't :D. Besides, I need it to drive nice so the vehicle is saleable. I can't spend what I am spending without knowing I could recoup money in the coming govt-induced economic collapse if I need to sell (and I may) !

There was a bit of debris yes, I am not experienced enough to know what a lot is though. I have a chance at a gearbox I am told is good (via a trusted friend but not directly from him) for £200 so worth a shot that as I can swap gearbox out fairly quickly as my friend has a ramp. Suck it and see!
Baulk brings are usually a softer metal. They are like clutches to match speed before syncros engage.
thry this guy:
Discovery 2 Parts
Quality Used and New Parts & Accessories
Call Paul on
01206 211623 - office
07828 278465
07760 955966
07840 428888

he's very serious and will not give you sh*t
As your not a fan of Ashcroft , why not buy a rebuild kit for £200-300 and do it yourself, there are plenty of youtube videos so help you get it done,

Identifying your Unit

There are three types of 5 speed mainbox, LT77, R380 and LT85 (Santana). The following questions will help identify which type of box you have.

1) Is reverse underneath 5th gear?

If yes, you have an R380. Please go to the R 380 section to see a video of where to find the serial number.

If no go to question 2.

2) Is reverse gear next to 1st gear?

If yes, you either have an LT77 or LT85. Question 3 will identify which one.

3) Is the maincasting black or aluminium?

If black you have an LT77, Please go to the LT 77 section to see a video of where to find the serial number.

If aluminium, you have a LT85, Santana box. Please go to the LT 85 section to see a video of where to find the serial number.

when you know which gear box you have got
youtube and look up

britannica restorations ltd

his videos are really good

LT77 video

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if you have the time repair don't swap it as you may get worse.

As above baulk rings are the wearing part

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