

Looking for a replacment exhaust manifold for my 2.25 diesel. Can't find one anywhere without quite bad damage to the threads. Anyone got any ideas where I can get one? I found a 2.5 n.a. defender one online but unsure if that will fit. Have read they have a larger diameter exhaust bore. No problems getting a custom exhaust made up if it's only the exhaust that won't fit, just aslong as it mounts to the block.

Any help much appreciated.

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There should only be three studs to change at the exhaust end. I ended up drilling them out and fitting stainless nuts and bolts. Works fine even if a bit more of a faff to fit the exhaust. Luckily that was stainless anorl so won’t be doing it very often.
Oh and try as I might, there is no way I could weld the manifold. I even got it red hot with a torch before hand but the iron just spits all over the place.
Diitto re brazing, I've seen some done. I've also had cast iron welded - but only found one person who could do it and he's probably retired. He muffle welded it (ie in an oven) and used some fancy rods but it was a great job, he welded the flange back on a motorcycle cylinder and it lasted so its a case of finding the person who knows how to do it.
Could it be brazed?

I got all the gear ready to change the studs on mine but the old ones wouldn’t budge. As usual they eventually snapped off so to get it back on the road that day I tried welding some stainless bolts into the drilled out holes. I tried stainless welding rods as these worked on other cast iron I had tried and like I said even tried heating the casting.
Eventually I just put bolts through. It worked.
I bought a 2.5n/d exh manifold some years ago as I knew the 2.25 was hard to come by.
Is in my garage as a spare in case I ever need it.
Far as I can see the only difference is there the down-pipe fits in...the 2.25 had a bevel...the 2.5 is squ...I'm sure I can get around that if needed.

I could take some pics of it for you...and I prob have an exh gasket to see if it lines up...I'm sure I would have tried that years ago when I bought it but I cant remember.

Your old one...just drill it and fit nuts bolts....brazing will melt if you get the exh really hot...ask me how I know.

P.S. what they selling the 2.5d type for now.

Nick in Cheshire.
Thanks for the responses! Apolgies for the delay getting back. After reading this I bought a new 2.5na manifold for and seems decent enough quality. Mounts no problems . Thanks the help. Great forum
I bought mine a few years ago when I heard the 2.25d were in short it just in case.
Dont suppose I will ever use it but its there just in case.

My old 2.25d exh manifold is now on my 200di still earning its keep.

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