Best to figure out why it stopped first ,as the g/box and traction message can be put down to the fact that the car is rolling along in gear, ie ,no pumps running with the engine stopped.
So don't worry about them for now.
Figure out why it cut out ,and take it from there.
Hi again, have been looking at other threads which seem to similar to my own experience, and as you say Saint V8 many of them seem to point to alternator/electrical type problems. So it's up in the loft tomorrow to find my multimeter/multitester thingamabob. It's ages since I've had to mess around with/inside/under cars!! (Incidentally Saint, my wife says that if you're available for adoption we'd best claim you as it will save me a lot of typing in future :) )

Nik, it shouldn't be the battery, new Sept 2012, and I was hoping it isn't the gearbox as that was replaced @ 68,000 miles (78,800 on clock now).

And as to the little "donate" button, I had not spotted that (seriously), thanks for pointing it out, and assure you appropriate action taken has been taken to remedy my oversight. :)
Hi again, have been looking at other threads which seem to similar to my own experience, and as you say Saint V8 many of them seem to point to alternator/electrical type problems. So it's up in the loft tomorrow to find my multimeter/multitester thingamabob. It's ages since I've had to mess around with/inside/under cars!! (Incidentally Saint, my wife says that if you're available for adoption we'd best claim you as it will save me a lot of typing in future :) )

Nik, it shouldn't be the battery, new Sept 2012, and I was hoping it isn't the gearbox as that was replaced @ 68,000 miles (78,800 on clock now).

And as to the little "donate" button, I had not spotted that (seriously), thanks for pointing it out, and assure you appropriate action taken has been taken to remedy my oversight. :)
Whilst at times my Girlfriend gets annoyed with me at times, she may miss me if I as adopted out....

But she does let me sit here on the sofa, with me laptop on LZ most evenings, aslong as I still make the tea, sort out the washing machine, fix the leaky tap etc etc every now and I am afraid, yout typing will have to suffice!

I would first look at the Alternator output should be around 14.2V at 2k rpm any less will not keep the battery topped up, and the various ECUs will throw their toys out the pram!

Without a decent electrical supply the P38 is just a pretty paperweight!

If that checks out, time to check the wiring to/from the BeCM under the drivers seat, this is the vehicle brains....also while your on your knees looking at the BeCM, check the drivers footwell carpet esp. on the transmission tunnel under the dash area for dampness!!

Check the BeCM Earth wire, and the Engien Earth Connections, they have been known to flex and snap...causing electrical failure on the engine!

I think the Traction and GB errors are in sympathy to the engine stalling !! then they popped up again as I think the Voltage/Alt output is too low!
Best to figure out why it stopped first ,as the g/box and traction message can be put down to the fact that the car is rolling along in gear, ie ,no pumps running with the engine stopped.
So don't worry about them for now.
Figure out why it cut out ,and take it from there.

I'm not sure which came first, message or cut out. Whilst trying to restart 2nd time (after deciding to get recovery out) I did get Traction failure message straight away (not sure about the other messages). There seems to be no reason why it should have cut out, does anyone have any suggestions? I've never had a problem up to now.
I think it's about time that you amended your on-screen details to show your location. You're going to feel a right prat if you find that some of this help is coming from some-one local to you who might even be willing to come and help you out. (Bribery of cuppas and posh biscuits works quite well)
I think it's about time that you amended your on-screen details to show your location. You're going to feel a right prat if you find that some of this help is coming from some-one local to you who might even be willing to come and help you out. (Bribery of cuppas and posh biscuits works quite well)

Hi dogsbody,

I thought (but it's probably an age thing) that I'd already put my location here (somewhere) I'm actually between Denby Dale & the M1 in good old Kirklees, West Yorkshire.

If any of you ppl are local you'll know me because I'm the one who cusses my P38 loudly around 8:00 am every morning!

PS. Do cuppas, but posh biscuits? come on . . .

OOPS! got you now . . . appropriate action taken!!
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I'm not sure which came first, message or cut out. Whilst trying to restart 2nd time (after deciding to get recovery out) I did get Traction failure message straight away (not sure about the other messages). There seems to be no reason why it should have cut out, does anyone have any suggestions? I've never had a problem up to now.
Check the items above in my post first...

Alt output
Battery Level
Engine Earth Straps
BeCM and Engine ECU plugs
Drivers footwell Carpets
If you're just getting the traction control failure message - is it after you've pressed the brake? In which case it could be your brake light switch or associated wiring/connectors. Check that the brake lights are working.
If you're just getting the traction control failure message - is it after you've pressed the brake? In which case it could be your brake light switch or associated wiring/connectors. Check that the brake lights are working.

Brake lights OK as of yesterday evening :)

Now . . .

I didn't have much time to do anything yesterday stupid thing called work got in the way, all I did was move her slightly to give me access to both sides without encroaching on neighbour's property. Started first crank and sounded her usual sweet self. Then went to work.

Yesterday evening I popped the bonnet, battery level was fine, checked the fusebox, seemed no visible problems & no freshly fried smells, Earth strap seemed fine, no damp patches anywhere in driver's footwell etc . . . checked the fuses under the drivers seat, all secure, as dusk was approaching I decided to check the alternator then call it a day. The car fired up eventually but spluttered and stalled before I could even get out!

Did it a few times, revs dropped down to about 400, engine died . . . eventually kept it running long enough to get out & peer under the bonnet. The clear fuel line to the right of the engine block had air running through with the fuel. more air than diesel. The engine spluttered & died & I decided to call it a day, try again this morning & get some pics of it because I've probably described it very badly.

Anyway this morning it won't start . . .

It seemed like this air in the line could have been the original cause of it dying on thursday. Except after I'd pulled over to the kerb I restarted the engine and it was running as smoothly as ever till the Recovery vehicle arrived 45 minutes later . . .

I'm flummoxed!

And unfortunately the rest of daylight today looks like it will be wasted at a wedding anniversary party with free food and a free bar . . . what am I saying wasted????
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Check the Spill pipes (often refered to as leak off pipes), they tend to split and crack allowing air into the system.

Also check the flow from your in tank pump too....

Procedure is to carefuly remove the fuel filter to avoid spills, put a jug under the filter top and remove the Fuel Pump relay....bridge the relay to run the pump for exactly 10 seconds and measure the fuel flow....should be 180ml in 10 secs.
Brake lights OK as of yesterday evening :)

Now . . .

I didn't have much time to do anything yesterday stupid thing called work got in the way, all I did was move her slightly to give me access to both sides without encroaching on neighbour's property. Started first crank and sounded her usual sweet self. Then went to work.

Yesterday evening I popped the bonnet, battery level was fine, checked the fusebox, seemed no visible problems & no freshly fried smells, Earth strap seemed fine, no damp patches anywhere in driver's footwell etc . . . checked the fuses under the drivers seat, all secure, as dusk was approaching I decided to check the alternator then call it a day. The car fired up eventually but spluttered and stalled before I could even get out!

Did it a few times, revs dropped down to about 400, engine died . . . eventually kept it running long enough to get out & peer under the bonnet. The clear fuel line to the right of the engine block had air running through with the fuel. more air than diesel. The engine spluttered & died & I decided to call it a day, try again this morning & get some pics of it because I've probably described it very badly.

Anyway this morning it won't start . . .

It seemed like this air in the line could have been the original cause of it dying on thursday. Except after I'd pulled over to the kerb I restarted the engine and it was running as smoothly as ever till the Recovery vehicle arrived 45 minutes later . . .

I'm flummoxed!

And unfortunately the rest of daylight today looks like it will be wasted at a wedding anniversary party with free food and a free bar . . . what am I saying wasted????

Maybe in tank pump is duff or blocked. As long as you have fuel in the tank the in tank pump CANNOT pump air it's not possible. But air can be drawn in by injection pump sucking fuel from tank. Air can get in were fuel can't get out. If you see what i mean.
Maybe in tank pump is duff or blocked. As long as you have fuel in the tank the in tank pump CANNOT pump air it's not possible. But air can be drawn in by injection pump sucking fuel from tank. Air can get in were fuel can't get out. If you see what i mean.

I think I see what you mean, if air is getting into the fuel it's from beyond (engine side) of the tank, is that right?

Check the Spill pipes (often refered to as leak off pipes), they tend to split and crack allowing air into the system.

Also check the flow from your in tank pump too....

Procedure is to carefuly remove the fuel filter to avoid spills, put a jug under the filter top and remove the Fuel Pump relay....bridge the relay to run the pump for exactly 10 seconds and measure the fuel flow....should be 180ml in 10 secs.

+1 but also check there are no leaks on the fuel filter and the pipes into the filter.

And for the £2 it costs, buy some braided fuel line off ebay and replace them anyway.


You can normally tell if they are duff by a little pool of moistness around the injector. But a crack anywhere in the pipe would be enough to draw air in.


OK, found these easy enough 2 pipes per cylinder am I right? If so the one on the fourth cylinder from the front (radiator end) was quite loose, came off VERY easily and was badly worn at the connection point. So I think next step has to be to order some more of this stuff (technical term) and fit it before going on to do a fuel flow test etc.

When I refitted this leak off pipe the engine ran OK for a few minutes then started spluttering & dying again. Not pre-empting anything but could engine vibration have loosened it again? It was definitely leaking when engine died because there was a slight trace of smoke there.

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