
New Member
Replaced my P38 BMW diesel engine with one from a BMW car eventually..went ok, with a hell of a lot of swapping bits it turns over but won't start! Any ideas?:(
have you got a code reader? if you have look at codes see what you got if any p codes post them i look them up for you
hi guys....right more info....ecu still on the car, as everything else apart from the pump. The original enine had sucked in water before I bought it so had to be replaced. I do have a T2 diagnostic system (complete with trolly and printer) with a shed load of boxes full of conections and shoe box full of software which I don't know how to use so it looks like I will have to have go at firing that up.
if i where you i would get in touch with irishrover he will sort you out i dont know where you are also a guy called andy is very good with this stuff
guy called andy is over your way. you will have to plug in go to fuel and have a look you will also have to do ecu to fuel pump. was the fuel pump off your engine still working? that could be easer way to go.
Bit OT, but ..

Is it my imagination or wasn't the BMW M51 unit somewhat redesigned for the P38 to cope with extreme angles re. oil circulation etc.?

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