
New Member
...more of a general question for any LR mechanics out there?...

When replacing a head gasket in a Freelander would it be standard 'good practise' to replace the cam belt at the same time (assuming that the cambelt had done ~50k miles and had not previously been replaced?)....:confused:

I've got a situation whereby I have a hippo @ 78k miles (recently bought) and am not sure whether to get the cambelt replaced or not. The previous owner did not believe that the cambelt had been replaced, though he did have a garage reciept for a head gasket replacement @ 50kmiles so am not 100% sure if the cambelt would have been replaced at the same time?....

I've tried to call the garage but it's no longer!
This might not give you a black and white answer, but we just had our head gasket replaced (28k miles) and the LR dealer recommended that we get the belt changed at the same time, so we did....but at extra cost to the head gasket replacement of course.
I aksed for my cam belts to be changed on my V6 Hippo when they done the HG (38k miles). It would be advisable to change the belts and tensioners as they have them off anyway.
If the receipt doens't state the cam belt was changed then I would think it's a safe bet to say it wasn't done.
If in doubt get it done Jatwap. It's cheaper to change it before it breaks ;)
tinytdi said:
I agree - best safe than sorry.

Ok, thanks all - think I'll take the advice to get the head g done (possibly again??:confused: )

....this leads onto two questions:

1. What type of head gasket should I get for my mechanice to fit - i.e. is there a new & 'improved' version available which I should be looking to get or are they all 'standard'? Also, where would I get it - would Unipart or similar local parts place stock it?

2. If I'm paying my mechanic to replace a head gasket, should I get him to replace the cambelt while he's at it? (fcuk sake - hippo maintenance is never-ending!!:mad: ) The cambelt has done ~ 30k miles and I'm thinking that it's probably best to get this done at the same time while it's stripped down anyway?????

Thanks (again!) in advance!...
jatwap said:
2. If I'm paying my mechanic to replace a head gasket, should I get him to replace the cambelt while he's at it? (fcuk sake - hippo maintenance is never-ending!!:mad: ) The cambelt has done ~ 30k miles and I'm thinking that it's probably best to get this done at the same time while it's stripped down anyway?????

Thanks (again!) in advance!...

Errrr, like I said, get it done. You don't want to risk a cam belt failure after doing the head gasket.

Hippos are a real money pit but they are so lovely in their own little way :D
marksurry said:
Errrr, like I said, get it done. You don't want to risk a cam belt failure after doing the head gasket.

Hippos are a real money pit but they are so lovely in their own little way :D

Woops, sorry! I'm getting my head gaskets and cambelts mixed up here!
Question 2 should have read,

"2. If I'm paying my mechanic to replace a cambelt, should I get him to replace the head gasket while he's at it? The head gasket has done ~30k miles and I'm thinking that it's probably best to get this done at the same time while it's stripped down anyway????
I'm just a bit confused here,has your head gasket gone ?, what type of engine is it ,the td4 has a chain for timeing the tother's have ribbed belts so if tother answer is yes , change it,if its a 1,8 then get the new modded hg and the thermo stat mod done if its the v6 Mark will help ya. . .:)
I'd replace a cam belt,with another cam belt!!! If yer use a head gasket yer just askin fer problems he he!
To be honest I would leave the head gasket well alone if it hasn't blown. Not all HG's blow at 30k miles.
Changing a HG will up the cost of the job by quite a lot as the head will need removing. Changing a cam belt is pretty straight forward in most cases.
mondo said:
I'd replace a cam belt,with another cam belt!!! If yer use a head gasket yer just askin fer problems he he!

Mondo, you've been told about your crappy responses before on another thread :rolleyes: Consider yourself warned sunshine :p
marksurry said:
Mondo, you've been told about your crappy responses before on another thread :rolleyes: Consider yourself warned sunshine :p
Sorry Mark (Sir)
wont do it agen,Oh sorry! (Grammar)
I will not do it again under any circumstances

You ok, mate!:D :D :D
Mondo, I'm lolly pop tastic mate.

If you want to leave silly posts go ahead, I'm only being silly. I replied to a thread just now about a V6 badge. I was no help at all, just a **** !!
marksurry said:
Mondo, I'm lolly pop tastic mate.

If you want to leave silly posts go ahead, I'm only being silly. I replied to a thread just now about a V6 badge. I was no help at all, just a **** !!

Thats good to hear Mark!
And the Delicious Mrs surry???

By the way!

when you gunner find a better avitar,
go for summat bizarre, just to bog off the straights:eek: :D
marksurry said:
I'll have to look for something more fitting as an avatar. Any suggestions chaps?

You got mail!:D

No you aint ,dunt work,
yer know wot im like wi photos
mondo said:
Ferkin funny tho

Hey Mondo, you told me off for swearing and now you're doing the abbreviated naughty word thing :(

Ming, nothing wrong with my ride. Has the same 1.8 litre engine they put in the Hippo :D Just goes better.....a lot better....and goes round corners like it's on rails. I got a Mondeo anyway, new shiny black one with stinking noisy diesel engine. Goes very quick for a diesel though, I'm impressed.

Must be getting old, I'm liking a family hatchback car :eek:

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