
So, as my previous thread turned into bit of a handbags fighting match i've reopened this after doing some bits today.

Thanks to everyone who pointed me in some direction on the other thread, today i've done a full service, replaced the boost solenoid valve and replaced the MAF sensor. Amazing results! Boost is fantastic now.

However to the main point of argument, i've done a full oil change and replaced what was slightly over filled with around 6.5L of oil and now the oil is just under the top mark on the dip stick.

Now i'm not going to say who was right or wrong on the other thread. But here's a photo of the results now....
There are things in life you cannot explain, it happens.
I was the Manufacturing Engineer technically in charge of a chemical machining department. We used to do an internal etch 3 mm deep on a component that was the size of a builders bucket. We etched it a 5 x5 x 6 foot tank and scrapped loads at 4 grand each. I moved it our 10 foot long tank and it etched fine on the same fixtures, we even etched two at the same time. I ran loads of trials and got all our experts at Rolls Royce to help and we could never explain why it would not etch correctly in a 5 foot tank.
When they decided to shut our plant and move all the work to bristol, I asked if they had 10 foot tanks and they only had 5 foot ones. Told them all the issues and made them put it on the risk assessment, they didnt invite me to any more meetings. I am sure they thought I was being obstructive to the move. 6 months after the move, I had moved factories to up north. I get phone call demanding I go to Bristol the next day. I pointed the manager to the risk assessment and refused to go. They created a real fuss trying to make me go to Bristol as they had scrapped over £100,000 of parts and had nothing build into engines.
I simply pointed out I told them it would not work and they didnt believe me, I and the best of RR people could not fix the problem before and were not going to fix it now.

So can oil level cause the cooling issue, anything is possible. Thats what I have found in my working life and somethings cannot be explained.
I was skeptical about oil level affecting coolant temp. Maybe now the turbo is working as designed that's producing more heat?

Either way, hopefully this thread won't turn into a argument :D
Above was just one example of unexplained things I have come across. We probably spent half a million pounds in tests and man hours trying to figure that one out and failed.
Now dont get me going on the creation of widmanstatten structures in titanium. Thats had multi millions spent without knowing how its created.
any one cracks that they could be a multimillionaine over night as parts are indestructable, immune from low and high cycle fatigue. cracking
Shh. Don't tell the troll. He'll quote all sorts of drivel over this.
I've read about this issue myself, but never seen the proof. But there it is. ;)
TD4 1
Troll 0
Again :p
I'm now questioning whether I needed to do the inline stat mod, because I over filled my oil by 1/2 a litre.
Now I'm not a bible basher, apologies to those that are if that term offends, but from my rudimentary understanding of the story it portrays, the almighty one got some young girl shacked up with his only son (the dirty bastard). The story goes that this boy grew into a man that was more than just an great illusionist fit to grace any variety show at the Paladium, he could perform real bonafide miracles. I happen to know, because I eat Rabbit shaped chocolate come Autumn (NZ), that this bloke supposedly died but came back to life (some illusion with chain saw or sword or something similar). This all happened some 2,000 years ago and his death and rebirth has lead to an urban myth that he may be reborn as a new messiah in some fandagled second coming.

So if anyone comes across a fella capable of taking illusions and miracles to a completely new level, the great one may have been up to his dirty old tricks again. He would presumably retain a family resemblance to his brother depicted as "rather skinny who in his younger adult days had lots of curly hair". He would presumably reside in an area known as "gods own country".

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