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I'm just about to do my 84,000 miles service (Gems V8 4.6) and the LR schedule says to replace the oxygen sensors...

Two questions...

It's working fine at the moment, had it on the Nanocom just last weekend and everything is swinging between 5 and 0 volts like I'd expect. Do I need to change them at all?

Secondly, if I should replace them LR ones are really expensive, does anyone know who made them for Land Rover, and is there a cheaper place to source them from? I'd rather not use Britpart if possible, but the saving is about £200! (each!!!) Is it a simple unscrew and screw in to replace job, or is there more to it than that (15 years exhaust corrosion accepted).

If they are working, I'd leave them....

If you do decide to change them, soak them in Plusgas/Penetrating fluid as they can be a tad stubborn to remove!
Ive used the cheap ones off flee bay and made in Russia. They worked fine no probs. Buy a proper socket to remove them. I used some stilsons which worked fine, but if they work fine and want to put back if it runs like a dog then proper socket for the job

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