
Active Member
Never liked the XS stickers running down the bottom of each side and been thinking about taking them off since I had got the thing. Trouble is, they do offer a bit of protection, and the paint underneath might be a different colour 'cos of not fading etc.

They are starting to peel away at the edges now, and thinking about biting the bullet and having them off. Apart from roof rack, and a few off road bits, my disco is pretty standard. Not sure whether I'll regret taking these stickers off. I don't know of anywhere that sells them should I want to replace them and I doubt they'll be cheap too, so I'm only gonna have one chance at this.

Anyone done it?
never tried it, but if its anything like the vinyl stckers on my works van a hairdryer is the secret to an easy job. heat the sticker and the glue shoul loosen.
took mine off, was a bloody nightmare, heat removed the stickers but wouldnt touch the 18 year old glue, thinners and an old credit card and lots of patience got it off and once t-cutted the paint matched perfectly
My 96 XS didn't have them, thank god cos I think they look ****e and you are right to take them off...will look much nicer without ;)

For once I have an answer NOT a question.

I took my ones off this weekend.

A) It looks 100 x better

B) The paint colour was exactly the same

C) I didnt do it but paid 40 leva (£15) to a local guy who was recommended

D) He used a heat gun on low setting to get them off as easily as possible

E) He THEN used a rubber wheel - like a round eraser - in an electric drill at a very low speed. They are specifically designed to remove glue left from vehicle graphics. IT WAS AMAZING - it took only about 3-5 mins to clean each panel of the glue residue. Here (in Bulgaria) they cost £10 from auto paint supplies places. He then just lightly T-Cut them and they look fantastic.

F) The problem now is they are so scratch free I now have to take it back to him to T-Cut the rest of the car to match.

Hope this helps.
WD40 seems to work taking the sticky off left behind stickers, cant see any thing different in those only bigger.
I've tried white spirit, meths and petrol, but WD always works.
Also disolves the sun burn seals in glass houses when trying to dismantle one, is there anything WD40 cant do?
Cheers for your advice fellas. I'm thinking of going ahead and doing this. Will probably do it this weekend.
Here's the old girl when I first got her, and the stickers didn't look too bad when it was all shiny and new to me;

But now here she is over a year later and on a scratched up disco, they look really tacky and 90's.

If I go ahead I'll post before and after pics, to help people in future make the same decision.
Tried to take mine off today, first couple came off easy, the rest were b*&$ards , its left a right mess, sticky glue and a clear film, and behind the one door it was a different colour !!!

Wish i had left it ! but im sure ill be happy if i can get the rest of the glue off and re spray the bottom of one door :cool:

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