
New Member

Im fitting a new VCU and have hit a bit of an obstacle. When removing the old VCU from the prop shafts as per Hippo's excellent guide (thanks for that by the way), the rear prop shaft to VCU came off fine. The front prop shaft however does not want to come off the VCU, ive tried various tapered rods / chisels and nothing seems to move it. I even left it overnight with some penetrating solution on it.

Any ideas how to pull it apart / off?

Thanks in advance.
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Does the bolt turn?
The key I found is not taking the bolt out too far, just far enough so you can use it to push the VCU off by tapping a tapered cold chisel in between the top of the bolt head and the joint.
Then unscrew it some more and repeat until the VCU is all the way out.
Yes the back spline was easy and the front spline was stuck on a bit more but came apart ok .
All I can say is make sure it's supported on wooden blocks and wind the bolt out so a tapered cold chisel fits down but rests on BOTH PARTS of the UJ joint , Then firm blows with a heavy club hammer ( but don't mad at it ) . wind bolt out a little bit then try again .

LOL two posts the same description ;)
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Thanks for the advice :)

The bolt turns fine, but one chisel already bent a little while being tapped into the gap without the driveshaft moving even the slightest bit. I think i might need a bigger hammer then :D

Also, how hard is it to damage the UJ? Is there any way to tell if its been damaged?

A good cold chisel should not bend :eek:

You need to keep the vcu/prop in line then you can place a flat metal bar ( tyre lever works well )to span the two UJ joints then good quality small cold chisel between support bar and bolt head , Using this method with 2 cold chisels from each side also works well !
A new UJ wont cost much, may be easier to cut the old one off if you think it's damaged.
Can you split the UJ and get a puller on it, at a workshop if need be.
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I don't think the UJ has been damaged, seems to move as it did before, but dont know if there is a way to check :) You know, after all the hammering to get the prop off the VCU (and things wedged into the joint)

Ive got a better chisel now (i think) and ill try this week with a larger hammer (was using something rather small...thought it would make me more careful)
I had the same problem last year and Bells warned me the front bit would be more difficult than the back. In the end it worked free with force and lots of WD40 (and a replacement chisel after the first one snapped). Just persevere and it will come off eventually. I was swearing at my prop rear UJ last weekend which wouldn't come apart - just brute force did it in the end. It's amazing how things get so tight on their own.
I've just had a similar problem last week, couldn't remove either propshafts. In the end I had to take it to a propshaft reconditioning place and it took them over an hour to get the props off the VCU as they were seized solid. Hopefully get my new VCU and props fitted tomorrow.
anything like that and I use heat on it and immediately the flame is out put wd40 or similar on it ,it often works
I have done a few vcu's and I just batter the vcu with a big hammer, it always comes off in the end and I replace the uj ( around 4 quid each ) to be on the safe side :)
In the process of obtaining some suitable wedges (got the big hammer) she says I can't leave the propeller thing on the bathroom floor for any longer.:5bAngel_anim:
I had the same problem

couldn't shift the shaft with it supported on wood

Bells told me to support it on a brick - it worked !!!
The big hammer worked in conjunction with the new small cold chisel set from Amazon. Putting the propeller thingy (wife speak)back on the freelander today and out of the bathroom😃😀😀

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