
After the MOT guy printed me a nice 4 page failure sheet a few months back i decided i was going to rebuild my disco.
I've started stripping it down but I want to take the shell off the chassis next, any useful tips on how best to go about it bearing in mind its on my driveway which is only 8' wide.
After the MOT guy printed me a nice 4 page failure sheet a few months back i decided i was going to rebuild my disco.
I've started stripping it down but I want to take the shell off the chassis next, any useful tips on how best to go about it bearing in mind its on my driveway which is only 8' wide.

I was going to re-chassis my last Discovery project and decided the best way to do it would be (after removing all nuts bolts and such like) would be to bung our local farmer a few bob to use his tractor to raise the shell and move the rolling chassis into the garage to work on.
But didn't go down that road, so don't know if it was pie in the sky or not:confused:
Did a body off a RRC which is exactly the same and after undoing the bolts and disconnecting all the cables and pipes and removing all the interior it was jacked up far enough to get a couple of lengths of 100x100x3mm box under and then hoisted up with a mates hiab equipped truck using 4X 45gal barrels filled with water to support it once off, little tip, place barrels then fill with water, last guy who took this on got a hernia for not thinking smart.
I've done it with an engine crane with interior and doors removed.

Only needed help to stabilise it on the crane or I could of done it on my own.

But once it's up just roll the chassis out from underneath and put body onto wood/axle stands. :)
ok nice weather today so got under the old rust bucket to start undoing the body mounts, done all but 2, the 2 close to front doors, any tips on how to get a bloody spanner on the top, its corroded really bad and there's no room to get a hammer in to knock the spanner on. Not sure i could get a grinder in either to cut the nut off.
Any suggestions?

As you can see it's going be tough lifting the shell!! Well all bolts are out so I guess next step is to strip the next one for the few parts I need then I'll be able to bring the shell forwards onto the drive in front of the chassis
Good luck to ya mate! I did mine a couple of years ago and I didn't have room to take the body off so I just did a red neck lift http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/700Quid/media/2013-06-08115345_zpsaa596c00.jpg.html
However it would have been a lot easier to have it off.... the body that is... :rolleyes: It would have meant full access to the chassis. The next one I do I will be properly galvanising the chassis as I already have little bits of rust coming back in places. As I said good luck and it is totally worth it once you get it back on the road :D
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700Quid, how did you do yours? I cant really tell form the photo.

:D As I said it was a bit red neck. I just jacket the body up using the rear cross member then jambed some logs between the cross member and the body mounts on the chassis. I then locked them in place by bolting the top and bottom. I left the front body mounts on the chassis so it stayed stable. There are more pics on the thread - http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f8/discovering-discovery-basic-rebuild-226465.html. It would not be recommended by the health and safety brigade :)

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