
Hi guys. First time posting here so hopefully this is in the right place.

Anyway, having noticed coolant in the passenger footwell and diagnosed a leaky heater matrix I've taken the dash to bots to access and replace. So far everything has gone fairly well untill the final step. Removing the two plugs which I guess are for the dash wiring loom from the fuse box. Must have spent a good half hour trying now and I can't get the little @#$/ers out!

There's a tab on the top of both of them which seems like it should push down allowing the plug to be pulled out. Nope. Is there a knack to this or am I just being an idiot?
You have to push the tab in and then lift up the locking arm, the locking arm moving upwards automatically lifts out the plugs. I changed mine last week, for ref I left the steering wheel, air bag etc connected I just removed the cowling, also leave the heater controls connnected, just leave the white block hanging. Hope this helps
Thanks for the reply. I didn't have a locking arm on mine ('01 Y reg) I managed to get them out by pushing the tab down with a small screwdriver and gently pulling one side and then the other forwards with a pair of pliers.

All sorted and back together now :)

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