New Member
does removing or blocking the small pipe into the egr make any difference to performance without firring roverrons unit (cant afford this month) but want quick boost!

It all depends how well your EGR valve is currently working. If it's in tip top shape you should not notice a difference, however if it is all sooted up and not seating properly it should make a subtle but worthwhile difference. Try pulling the vac pipe off and see if there is any difference.;)
yup block the supid thing orft . . .this was over engineering at its wurst , it twas designed to stop nasty fuel immisions from killing earthlings, sumtimes works fer 10,000 miles then gets all blocked up un makes fings wurser. . . .if yer gonna make a valve then it should always do a functon , like a pooper valve. . .that has a very good function ,but if it fails ,yer in the ****e. . . . . :eek: :eek: :eek:
Cleaning it out first may improve things mine at 75k was in a right ol state

Now blocked off.......& still nice en clean

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