
New Member
well easter weekend is fast approaching, getting ready to carry out some extra jobs on the 110.

im looking into removing all the door hinges for a quick re-spray, are there any difficult little nuts that are going to drop off in the post? and leave me with a spinning bolt!

I have a td5 s reg

they're cage nuts that slot into square holes in the bulkhead.
the cage does rust though and if you're taking the hinges off anyway, it's worth replacing them and re-fitting with stainless steel screws.
yup, piece of cake.
getting the new cage nuts in can be a bit fiddly. I found the best way is to push a small screwdriver through them, to hold them in place, while you squeeze them into place with long-nosed pliers.
I thought I'd go one better and replace my sloppy hinges as i can move the door quite a lot, only thing is the new one's seem to have as much play in them. Are they supposed to be like that?
are britpart hinges OK or ..............

i'm about to replace mine and bought the ones for £5.80 - was it a mistake then?
They're ****e they come pre worn. If yer any good at mekin things I'd think about bushing the original hinges, mebee using Fozzy Bronze fer a bush.
So Britpart ones are best avoided, which are the decent ones to buy then? Supposedly the new td5/puma ones don't rust like the older style ones because of some rubber bush thingy, are they worth it?
Dunno I doubt whether any of em are any good. Have you priced em up at your main dealers.
if yer can get the pins out and find a hard enough metal ter mek new pins then yer have found yer sen a nice little niche money maker cos ive never met any gfooker that can yet

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