
Does anyone know how to remove the canvas hood from it's frame?

The zip has gone on one side of my hood, I have found a company that can repair it, but, they need the canvas removed from the frame to do it.

Can this be done DIY or is it a case of let the pro's at Land Rover do it and pray they do not screw it up?

I think (given the way mine practically fell apart) the bits where the frame anchors to the canvas via soft loops are just double sided taped together.
I think (given the way mine practically fell apart) the bits where the frame anchors to the canvas via soft loops are just double sided taped together.
Thanks for that info.

I have always been puzzled as the hood has a storage bag which it would never fit into on it's frame.
Hmm, yes very interesting.

Mine is glued, well sort of, it's tacky and will peel open.

Now while it is being repaired, zip etc. I could have Velcro fitted, however, the question I now have is how do you remove and re-fit the tail frame?

I would love to get this soft top fully restored, but, am afraid of recking it.

Any advice welcome, please.

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