Blimey...'waking the thread'.

Its easy...dont touch the throttle at all. Just turn key to pre-warm position, count to 20 seconds, ish, then turn key to start. DO NOT TOUCH THROTTLE!!...It should start...if it doesn't ...repeat this...only give her some gas when she fires up.

Mine is a 20 second pre-warm...trial and error will find the spot where yours is...could be more, could be less.

Listen to the wisdom... When I got my 110 last month the bloke I bought it off started it up in his driveway then pulled it onto the road for me. After taking it into storage for a couple of weeks I went to take it to mot station and would it start, would it F@@k, after ten minutes the sling went on and it got dragged down the road by the merc till it fired up. A post on here was answered by the men who know and no more starting problems. You could always put a new fuel filter and air filter on to be sure its got fuel and can breath.
Listen to the wisdom... When I got my 110 last month the bloke I bought it off started it up in his driveway then pulled it onto the road for me. After taking it into storage for a couple of weeks I went to take it to mot station and would it start, would it F@@k, after ten minutes the sling went on and it got dragged down the road by the merc till it fired up. A post on here was answered by the men who know and no more starting problems. You could always put a new fuel filter and air filter on to be sure its got fuel and can breath.

bingo, bladdy air filter ..... thanks for that.... :D

Starting a 2.5 NA ... Instructions:
1/. Pre heat using heater plugs
2/. Dip clutch so that you are not turning the gears as well as the engine
3/. Keep your foot off the Go-Go pedal, as you are trying to put in more fuel than is needed, and a cold engine doesn't like it!!
4/. Turn the engine over!!
5/. Let the engine warm up for a few seconds, and then, with a great grin on your mush, you can drive happily away with no problems!!
I have an ex military 2.5 N/A and mine suffers similar issues. I have changed the battery, which helps it somewhat but my thoughts are moving towards valve stem seals. From what i understand (limited by my own admission) but the stem seals stop oil seeping into the combustion chamber. If oil is seeping in then, the longer you leave it, the more difficult it becomes to start..........any thoughts from the more technically literate?
Most oil seepage will burn away and give you a bit of black smoke. Shouldn't prevent it from starting, though.
Mine also has a somewhat bodge fitted snorkel, courtesy of it's previoous owner!! That's one of many little 'gifts' I've found as I progress round trying to get it to work as ir was intended, rather than how his pliers and insulation tape made it. I guess that a new air filter and making the pipes water tight would be a start - although the seive like properties can only help it breathe :rolleyes:
For mine fitted in the series 3 when I start it from cold I turn the key for pre-heat and then when its cranking I usually pump the throttle till it catches. Don't know if its just cause of the mods made when it was put in to the vehicle but mines always been like that ever since it was fitted.

The engines still getting rebuilt though ;)

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