
New Member
I have recently just bought a 110 landrover with 40,000 miles on the clock. It came from a wildlife park and it was used to transport items around the park therefore had no reason to be registered.

I bought it with no documents however it has a chassis number, that corrisponds to the number on the bulk head and a plate on the side of the drivers side seat box with information on the vehicles military registration, what make and model it is followed by two different serial numbers.

Since buying the Land Rover I have had numerous people say to me that you cannot apply to register it as I don’t have a release documents for the military.

I have no idea how to go about registering it and would be greatful for any information on how to.
Many thanks, Izaac.
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You don't (or didn't) need the release papers to register it but it is easier. I registered an ex MOD 109 FFR a few years ago, I got a Heritage Certificate from the Museum at Gaydon to show when and where it was built (without it you'll get a 'Q' plate) and went to my local DVLA office to get the right paperwork. Filled the paperwork in and got a Reg No. and V5 (through the post not there and then). The trouble is all the local DVLA offices have shut down (I think) so you can't talk face to face with anyone. Best to ring the DVLA (can you email them?) and get the right and up to date info from the horses mouth.
Wireman is right, the release papers or casting forms will help a great deal when obtaining a civvy reg number.
Before you're ready to apply you'll also need an MoT (it can be done on the vin or chassis number) and insurance, which will probably be the biggest drama you come across.
Some companies draw a blank when you try to explain you don't yet have a reg number, even when you try to explain it's ex MoD therefore not on any system they'd have access to.
They look at it as an import or project wagon tending to shy away saying, "we don't cover that type of Land Rover". (Mongs!!!!)
Again, it can be done on a vin number on the understanding you give them its new ID as soon as it's issued.
The local DVLA office might want to see the vehicle but I've yet to hear of anyone having to present their wagon.
You'll be covered on the temporary ID to and from the MoT station too so good luck.
Wireman is right, the release papers or casting forms will help a great deal when obtaining a civvy reg number.
Before you're ready to apply you'll also need an MoT (it can be done on the vin or chassis number) and insurance, which will probably be the biggest drama you come across.
Some companies draw a blank when you try to explain you don't yet have a reg number, even when you try to explain it's ex MoD therefore not on any system they'd have access to.
They look at it as an import or project wagon tending to shy away saying, "we don't cover that type of Land Rover". (Mongs!!!!)
Again, it can be done on a vin number on the understanding you give them its new ID as soon as it's issued.
The local DVLA office might want to see the vehicle but I've yet to hear of anyone having to present their wagon.
You'll be covered on the temporary ID to and from the MoT station too so good luck.

When I registered mine Adrian flux were happy to insure it on the vin providing I updated them with the reg issued as soon as I knew it.

I insured it first, then booked an mot and took to the mot place legally with no number plate. Got the mot then went to the local dvla office (before they shut) got a reg number issued and then got the mot garage to make me some plates which I fitted to the vehicle. Phoned insurance and updated then drove it home :)

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