
Well-Known Member
My 90 year old Pop reckons you can buy red diesel. Does anyone else use it, which petrol stations sell it, and could it knacker my engine? 550 quidish a month is my fuel bill with the new job, and I only get 48p a mile from my work base which is 20 miles away :(
you can
its only dyed diesel
we have a local garage that has a pump,though you can only fill jerry cans or tractors
obviously youd be cheating on the fuel duty so it wouldnt go well if you got found out
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Ohhh. Right, I get it now. I thought it was vegetable oil mix. Hmmmm. Would it be a criminal offense or a fine d'ya think. I've been stopped about 5 times in 35 years but they've never tested my fuel.
Farmers and industrial vehicles while forces used blue dye originally. I seem to recall police and VOSA get involved when consumption of red diesel increase locally and theft from farms surrounding areas.
Ohhh. Right, I get it now. I thought it was vegetable oil mix. Hmmmm. Would it be a criminal offense or a fine d'ya think. I've been stopped about 5 times in 35 years but they've never tested my fuel.
YES as you would be frauding the TAX men and the police need to know red diesel is being used locally. .
Ohhh. Right, I get it now. I thought it was vegetable oil mix. Hmmmm. Would it be a criminal offense or a fine d'ya think. I've been stopped about 5 times in 35 years but they've never tested my fuel.
they used to dip tanks quite regularly around here but not heard of it for a long while
they can seize your truck and fine you including any back duty they think youve evaded
Have been pulled in on a combined police, VOSA and HMRC operation and yes tank was dipped. Licence, insurance, MOT, checked along with quick assessment of drivers state of drinks/drugs. Tyres checked, tank dipped and on my way. Chat with police and they stated that certain drivers/vehicles were not going to proceed straight on with their journey for differing reasons.

This stop added less then 5 minutes to my journey. Now if this stop got one illegal driver/vehicle off the road it was a success.

And no invention of a dye stripping solution (just asking, not a law breaker really)

The dye is just a visual aid to recognition. The fuel also contains a chemical marker, which is very hard to remove, and easy to detect in very small concentrations.
Ohhh. Right, I get it now. I thought it was vegetable oil mix. Hmmmm. Would it be a criminal offense or a fine d'ya think. I've been stopped about 5 times in 35 years but they've never tested my fuel.

It is a serious offence, tax fraud. I have been done in the past. Immediate confiscation of your vehicle, the customs man puts his hand on the bonnet, and says " I am hereby impounding this vehicle in the name of Her Majesty."
Then they ring a senior customs official at base, and he decides the financial penalty for restitution of your vehicle. Ranges between about £500, and confiscation of your vehicle, plus 100k fine.
If you don't have the means to pay, your vehicle is removed to the HMRC pound, and you become liable for another massive bill for tow away and storage.

Really not worth it.
DVSA / HMRC tend to concentrate on rural areas as well as motorway service stations for spot checks because most farmers will bunker their own red diesel and the temptation for a bit to find its way into their road vehicles is very strong! As has been said above, big fines if caught. I've a vague recollection that there was an illegal "fuel polishing" plant discovered in Northern Ireland some years ago. Could be wrong on that though.
DVSA / HMRC tend to concentrate on rural areas as well as motorway service stations for spot checks because most farmers will bunker their own red diesel and the temptation for a bit to find its way into their road vehicles is very strong! As has been said above, big fines if caught. I've a vague recollection that there was an illegal "fuel polishing" plant discovered in Northern Ireland some years ago. Could be wrong on that though.

I was done at Hyde Park Corner.
Your pop is correct
No it wont knacker your engine
Google or local knowledge will get you the red
Its illegal to use on UK roads

Fullers earth is what you need to clean the fuel dye, also known as cat litter

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