and the place is overcrowded. and full of very important people like dss workers. i prefered it when it was the "department of stealth and total obscurity" the whole place is flucked up which is why i moved someplace where i can get a hospital appointment the same week as i need it and not 2 years later.
blackrandomapple said:
Lenny!!! I am not trying to cheat the system i just wanted a way of fueling for off road as i do a lot of it and i have a derv munching landrover thats alway hungry! lol

And youth is wasted on the young.

Read my post again, its whats called sarcasm, humour.:rolleyes:

In other words, i;ll spell it out for you in BIG BLACK letters:

whats this? D193 ANP is using red diesel?

well, no, but see how easy it is to get the wrong end of the stick. any landrover owners out there work for customs and excise or whatever they're called reading this forum?
i live in a fishing port and have seen fishing boat crews cars being dipped by customs.

some things are best not talked about - even in jest.
engineers blue mixed with red derv turns it back to clear but you have to put just the right ammount in. if you put too much in it makes the diesel useless, if you don't put enough in its still red not that i would know anything about it officer honestly ;)
Who's fault is it that society is ****ing things up? It's the general public i.e. us, parents that would sooner watch ****e on telly or the internet rather than bring kids up properly.

Nicely said Grunt. Say's me, sat on the Internet replying to a LR forum and scanning eBay for Land Rover parts :) Although I've only watched one program today on TV, and I wouldn't call it ****e. ****e is what the kids have been watching on CBeebies all day :D LOL


Gutter TV, soaps reality TV(whose world do they live in)........bad.

Who remembers Playaway? Brian Cant apart from an amusing surname is, along with John Noakes a HERO. Give the pair of them a knighthood immediatley.
why a knighthood? why not something usefull? like free curry for a year or a year subscription to 'which bong'??
Was only joking, actually CBeebies is pretty good, they do at least seem to try and teach kids things rather than just it just being mindless rubbish.

Being serious, you do have a good point, and one that I have to admit to being guilty of sometimes. That's why we are planning on moving permanently to France next year. There is still a sense of respect and decency there - plus we've got a place in a lovely little town surrounded by fields where the kids can run free - all for 1/10th of the price of the place here in the middle of a concrete jungle! We spend 6 weeks there over Christmas and didn't miss broadband/TV etc at all - and neither did the kids.

I reckon we need national service again to knock some sense into the brats of today.

lol. Guess I just want them to have the sort of childhood that I did. i.e. middle of the country, outside all the time and almost never watched TV. Never could understand why the "townies" said the country was boring cos there was nothing to do - I used the think the exact opposite!
well i was brought up on a staffordshire pig farm so i know where you are coming from. my kids get an even mix of both, but i think its peer pressure that makes you let em watch tv. all their mates watch tv so if you dont let them they feel left out.its too easy to just let em watch telly, play the gameboy or whatever else they are into ;)
Using red diesel is duty evasion meaning a fine in N.Ireland usually 500 pounds on the spot Using it dye removed is fraud vehicle can be impounded and sold and will usually end up in court. Red deisel is high sulpher and tends to belch black smoke when engine is worked hard. Better to use a mixture of parafin 28sec home heating oil and engine oil to give it lubrication and come near the 32\35sec diesel. I cannot recommend any of these for road use only for use on private land Chris
I am "aware" of someone who uses a people carrier and uses red to run it, and has so for the last 2 years with absolutely NO adverse effects or smoke. it went through it's MOT 4 weeks ago and flew it.
No mixtures, no additives, just run on red.

(and no i do not, nor have i ever owned/used/stolen a people carrier).
many years ago i ran a nissan patrol(the old big square one) on red for about 4 years and it definately does not affect the engine its just illegal, the dye is there so that customs know you are using it.
down here Customs could have a field day dipping tanks. Poor as church mice us Cornish, would we use Red in the tanks, nah, course we wouldn't. Well, not in the new Disco anyway.....

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