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Red diesel?

I have just bought a load of red derv but im a bit worried about getting busted with red in my landrover!

I have heard some stories that say you can filter out the die some how?

Does anyone know anything about this?

the irish lads use fullers earth to filter out the dye.
(so ive been told). i know nothing and wasnt even there.
What you are asking is if anyone on a public forum can give you an illegal way to fiddle the VAT on fuel as you are not entitled to use it on public roads.
I think thats diabolical.

And in no way would i ever suggest you google the answer, or search ebay for the dye remover, or any other means of neutralising the dye.
no no no, thats illegal and shouldnt be done.
I work as an engineering officer on product (ie petrol, diesel etc) tankers and can definitely say the dye cannot be removed easily at all. The dye stains the cargo piping on the ship permanently as occasionally we are requested to add it to the discharge line from the ship as we pump to a shore storage facility.

Beware! Filtering and removing the dye is illegal!!!!!!
Not wanting to sound like an arse, but is it right to use red when, its existance is under jeopardy due to improper use?? Many people depend on it for the livelihood (farmers, fishermen etc)
i thought red diesel was being phased out?
anyone got the latest news? or have i misread a bbc website story?
hmmm ok good advice its ok i have a really old diesil dumper truck i will put it in there i only bought it for 49.9p from local farm shop!
tootle_the_white_90 said:
yes they gov are wanting to get rid of it as part of their general 'war on the countryside'.

The government are just a bunch of towny chav lovers! they wont do n e thing about crime car theft etc but they will bother over green lane issues and silly harmless things!!

I came to the conclusion That English people are not allowed any FREE fun!

Lenny!!! I am not trying to cheat the system i just wanted a way of fueling for off road as i do a lot of it and i have a derv munching landrover thats alway hungry! lol
The Government have replaced the Ministry for Agriculture, Fishing and Farming (MAFF) with DEFRA.
Farming and

It is not illegal to remove the red dye from the fuel, it is illegal to use it on the road without paying the tax on it. Which just happens to make it more expensive.
I stand corrected
The whole lot of them are useless. God help us all if this bird flu thingy (overhyped by the media) actually hits the UK in a big way.
yeh but if you have noticed there aint much talk about bird flu!! 2 weeks ago thats all they were on about! i think they have nothing else to mutter on about so they make bird flu seem really bad!
blackrandomapple said:
I came to the conclusion That English people are not allowed any FREE fun!
it all goes back to thatcher's ' prevention of pleasure act 1982"
it all goes back to thatcher's ' prevention of pleasure act 1982"

That's the most sensible thing I've read on this forum since I signed up!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't wanted to get political. But the way some of you blame everyone else for whatever ills you have ****es me off at times. How many of you remember 18% interest rates on your mortgage? How many of you have suffered negative equity on your property? How many of you can't rent a council house because the government has sold them off? Who remembers the saying sending coal to Newcastle? Who remembers when we produced our own coal? Who remembers when Britain was great? Because I can. I could go on, but I already have done.

And it was a Conservative government an Thatcher that ****ed it all up.

I can agree that all politicians are tossers, but since we've had this government............................"you've never had it so good"

There I've finished. 24 hour opening it's got a lot to answer for.
never had it so good?
cant find a doctor. cant get a dentist. cant find a good school. taxes sky high. crime out of control, never see a copper.
i could go on, but my horlicks is waiting.
Doctors surgeries and hospitals are full of time wasters with a sniffle or wanting an elastoplast, blame society. Dentists, go private there are loads of them, they are greedy ****s, blame society. Good students make a good schools, there are very few good students, blame society. Taxes have always been sky high. Crime is out of control, blame society, or pay higher taxes to pay for extra police to police and not do paper work, blame society. Who's fault is it that society is ****ing things up? It's the general public i.e. us, parents that would sooner watch ****e on telly or the internet rather than bring kids up properly.

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