Behind the dash there are two spade connections which are not attached to anything , any ideas ? one is red and yellow striped and the other is red and blue .
my dash is out at the mo, can't see a red and yellow, red and blue is part of the main beam and dip circuit on mine. can you see where the other end goes.
if your beam and dip work it can't be part of that, my s3 wiring is full of bodges and has wires going nowhere or starting nowhere redone bits using none standard colouring etc which I am gradually getting rid of and its almost there now.
Red/blue will be a feed from the headlight switch, red/yellow will be a feed to the foglights, they should attach to the back of a foglight switch and there should be a spare black wire going to a warning light. That's if you've got foglights. Gets a bit more complicated if there's front fogs as well. Do you have the wiring diagram?