I wasn't getting any from you anyway - what a waste of space this forum is. 56,000 posts - get a life.
Of course if ya said what you wanted the rope/strap for. you might have got a bit more advice. is it just for towing?? If so any cheap towing rope/strap will do. Be aware of the following.

Reg 86 Road Vehicles (Con and Use) Regs 1986

Where a trailer is attached to the vehicle in front solely by means of a rop or chain, the distance between the trailer and that vehicle :

1. Shall not exceed 1.5 metres unless the rope or chain is made clearly visible

2. Shall not exceed 4.5 metres in any case.

If you're looking for a recovery strap/rope for offroad use see my previous advice regarding lifting strops. If you pefer a rope 10tonne would be the preferred size.
I wasn't getting any from you anyway - what a waste of space this forum is. 56,000 posts - get a life.

Well as entry and participation is entirely voluntary. If you're not happy here, you can always Fook orf somewhere else. Prefferably up your own sphincter
No troll. Just a new user looking for basic advice. Obviously in the wrong place. I said 'just in case ' I.e. in case I need to be rescued or rescue someone else. Pull someone our of a snowy road or whatever.
Red hand. You're a total arse. NI help to anyone.

For your information fookwit. All the help you require to answer you query is on this thread and has been posted by me. SO screw you. YA arrogant lazy stuck up fooking porridge wog..
No troll. Just a new user looking for basic advice. Obviously in the wrong place. I said 'just in case ' I.e. in case I need to be rescued or rescue someone else. Pull someone our of a snowy road or whatever.

The effort needed to pull some one out of a snowy road will be a lot less than the effort needed to pull a landy stuck up to the chassis in thick gloopy mud.

Wind yer neck in sh*t for brains and ask sensible questions and listen to the advice given cos you don't know how good it actually is. F**kwit.

Oh, and please make any further posts in the 'anything goes' section please. Saves me havin to edit meself.:rolleyes:

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