Hi All, had my Vogue TDV8 for a year and a half, and its been quite a thrill, however one day after work I started off from work and put my foot down to pull out into the traffic, I felt a slight judder, nothing major and all of a sudden my car started cutting out, and would not start again, anyway the car ended up in the garage and been told they think its my turbo that has gone. I was also told that 2ltr of oil has disappeared from the engine, and gone somewhere, cannot remember where they said it has gone, but I have been quoted a lot of money to get it sorted, around 6 to 8k, and that's with a recon engine, although I have found two companies on EBay, NZ Engines and Global Engines, one will cost £3,095 the other 3,495, both fully fitted with 6 month warranty, however if I need turbos, they will cost me £850 each, and things like the alternator, start motor etc, will be taken from mine.
Just wondered if anyone knows anywhere else to go?

Thanks for listening

Thanks for the heads up Stuart, much appreciated, wondered why they are cheap, bet the other company is the same.

ur very welcome , would be sad to see another victim to these cowboys

know @biketeacherdave is a wizard with rangies and may know an engine supplier

have used turner engineering in the past and has an excellent reputation

if put a thread in the range rover section more people will see and guide u better

hope that helps abit
You haven't stated any reason for replacing the existing engine with a reconditioned one have you.

Also I'd think twice about the garage giving you that information, any professional business the advises " they think its my turbo that has gone" therefore unable to confirm that issue, plus unable to quote a fix price without a two grand variation.
As your RR is an expensive vehicle, I'd take or get it moved to a LR main dealer or an independent that has the equivalent facilities and skills available.
ur very welcome , would be sad to see another victim to these cowboys

know @biketeacherdave is a wizard with rangies and may know an engine supplier

have used turner engineering in the past and has an excellent reputation

if put a thread in the range rover section more people will see and guide u better

hope that helps abit

What what ??? I'm no expert but like discool you do need to find a decent mechanic to fault find your engine properly have you any other info ??
What what ??? I'm no expert but like discool you do need to find a decent mechanic to fault find your engine properly have you any other info ??
To be honest I could not get any clear information from the original garage I sent it too, they kept talking about recon engines, and I said to him, you keep talking about another engine, yet you haven't told me what the problem is, and he just said its the turbo, he also said your valves could be bent etc, but I asked him if he had opened the engine and he said no, but he said from talking to everyone in the trade, it will be costly. I am a little sceptic to be honest, he said he didn't want to open the engine and incur me more costs, but I said to him, how are you going to know what's wrong with it if you don't. its the weirdest thing, I have never had so much of a complication with a car before, its almost like they are scared to do anything.
The car is currently with another company called infield 4x4, but the garage I originally gave it too passed it to them to take the engine out because they couldn't do it as it has to be dropped. so at present the valves are being pressure tested, because they said that if they need replacing its about £120 each one x 8, is this true?
thanks for that teach, the thoughts of taking it to land rover was never an option because of so many issues from them and I have heard so many different stories. I had the valves tested and was told today that 4 passed and 4 failed, so you may has well say replace all of them, but I have heard these are cheap either lol.. the turbos are being tested tomorrow, but I have asked for a quote for reconditioning them.
Valves are less than a tenner each at LEC Engine Components. Sounds like they are going for the easy option of an engine swap
I have got the engine back today, so will be working on it myself. It is sad to look at my car with everything missing and not running.
Was about to pitch in with global engines but beaten to it. Been on rogue traders more than once. They have a long list of pseudonyms
Timidly commenting as new here:)

Would definitely recommend Turner engineering for recon bits, not sure if they do TDV8 tho - regarding other recon businesses, there is a minefield of sh## out there...

Wife is from Leicester and would recommend Farriers Land Rover and Jaguar in Glenfield. Long term establishment run by ex Sturgess Land Rover and Jaguar mechanic.
Hi guys, just an update on where I am now. The range rover is back on the road, one of the Turbos had gone, so had both replaced, head cleaned etc, cost me 5.9k altogether. A guy called Steve Smith near Rugeley did it for me, a very nice chap. Was ok for a while but now other things have started, I have 3 warning lights on, scanner says steering angle sensor, tried a live data test, it said my steering was at zero degrees, turned the steering wheel and it still said the same, currently trying to take the cover of around the steering column, but there is something else holding it together and I cannot find it, I have removed the two larger torx screws but cannot find this smaller one that someone mentioned on here a while ago.

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