
Active Member
I recently had a bit of trouble with my p38 diesel and saw that oil was coming from the turbo, it was on its way out !
I had my my mate who is big in to discos sort it out for me, he replaced my turbo with a second hand reconditioned one and on his own will opened up the boost valve ! He said to me all the doozels need this doing and can say my self I am Very happy with the result and...can deffinatly tell the difference in power!

Just thought id share my info :)
Yeh it will be great until the increased compression pressures crack your head or blow the head gasket. It's a fragile engine to start with.
Did he alter the fuelling?,larger intercooler? No, I didn't think so. Do a quick google for exhaust gas tempreture on diesels then get him back round to put it back to how it was.
Did he alter the fuelling?,larger intercooler? No, I didn't think so. Do a quick google for exhaust gas tempreture on diesels then get him back round to put it back to how it was.
sorry could you explain more please ?
if turbos were that easily altered ie just open a valve a litlle it would have come standard that way.

standard engines are set up for longevity, by doing what you have done you will shorten the life span of your engine. id start looking on flea bay for a new engine now! lol
Mmm O dear, indeed. To tune a diesel you need to get the right balance between fuel and air, similar to a petrol engine, if the mix is wrong you end up with trouble. To much fuel and you will have clouds of black smoke, not enough and you will have clouds of aluminium. Winding up the boost pressure without altering the fueling will destroy your engine. How much boost is it running now ? ask your mate, I bet he doesnt know either. You have been warned.
Mmm O dear, indeed. To tune a diesel you need to get the right balance between fuel and air, similar to a petrol engine, if the mix is wrong you end up with trouble. To much fuel and you will have clouds of black smoke, not enough and you will have clouds of aluminium. Winding up the boost pressure without altering the fueling will destroy your engine. How much boost is it running now ? ask your mate, I bet he doesnt know either. You have been warned.

Not so impressed with his 'tune' now ! ill give him a ring tomorrow and see this could be a lesson to me ! and warn others not to do it !
...Although his has several Discos one done 260:eek:k
ill have words and report back..
Thanks for input! its bloody good job i mentioned it on here by the sounds of it.:(
Hold up, Before ye cane the guy!! he may only have put the boost back to its original boost. These babies lose boost as time goes on and the turbo/engine wears, this can be accounted for quite easily by adjusting the boost back up to the OEM pressure.

BTW since Manifold air pressure is one of the fueling values I'd guess that the ECU will automatically inject extra fuel to account for any modest adjustment in boost. I could be wrong though!
Hold up, Before ye cane the guy!! he may only have put the boost back to its original boost. These babies lose boost as time goes on and the turbo/engine wears, this can be accounted for quite easily by adjusting the boost back up to the OEM pressure.

BTW since Manifold air pressure is one of the fueling values I'd guess that the ECU will automatically inject extra fuel to account for any modest adjustment in boost. I could be wrong though!

ahh good old spudh! you love to play devils advocate....! :rolleyes:
Indeed spud, but without setting with a boost gauge, who knows what it's blowing? Certainly not the guy who will have to pay for the new engine.
He doesn't need to

his is tuned far beyond that

Probably the fastest P38 diesel on this forum

certainly loads quicker than mine
Spoke to him on the phone today !
He said hes only slightly altered it an not enought to do any damage, he said its probably at what it should be as stock now anyway because they can alter as time goes on and says the reason i can tell a power increase and smoother running is because he changed the manifold gasket as well, whilst he had the manifold off to get a snapped bolt out of the block !
Should be ok then :S ?

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