
New Member
Just fitted my "rebuilt engine" I got off ebay and I'm not impressed to say the least! Clouds of blue smoke on startup, after any overrun and when blipping the throttle! if anything it's worse than the one I took out. Beware of these bastards...Live and learn don't you!!
Can you file a claim - item not as described? Being scammed before myself on ebay, not a nice feeling when you've parted with hard earned cash :-(
I'm in the process of doing just that, but I'm more bothered about the week or so of working on it in the road outside my house every night and days off wasted time. I can't be bothered to hoik it out and fit another one now...
Last time I used a rebuilt (by someone else) engine it was the same for quite a time .. lots of grease and oil used to put it together .. but it was really good in the end!

How long have you run it since getting it?
How does it sound?

I'd run it steadily, let it come up to temperature steadily, and give it a chance to sort itself out. Maybe you've done this already, if so feckitt, name and shame .. but see what they say first about reparation though ...
Yes its not just the money is it. Fitting an engine is time consuming and it must be very frustrating having got that far to discover problems. What engine is it?
Don't believe anything, I've had so much stuff off ebay that was sold as low mileage or rebuilt and its all been rubbish really. Who said it was rebuilt? by who? to what degree? some think new rings and a head gasket means 'rebuilt'.
Don't believe anything, I've had so much stuff off ebay that was sold as low mileage or rebuilt and its all been rubbish really. Who said it was rebuilt? by who? to what degree? some think new rings and a head gasket means 'rebuilt'.

Heh, yeah, I guess 'rebuilt' could simply mean 'bits taken off and put back on later' .. ;)
Mine lost some oil through the exhaust and burned a little oil when I first got it but settled in after running a bit. I was advised that oil can get where it should not be during transit and installation which makes sense to me.
Yeah, exactly that! the starter motor was gash, all nuts on manifold loose oil pipe loose, dizzy shagged...I reckon just spannered up out of bits from the shed. "Hillary. Fetch me the shotgun."
If you do stick with it and run it, re torque the cylinder head after 500 miles or so.
If it is a 2,25 diesel this requires removing the injectors to get at the studs, Do not skimp on this the head gasket will blow by push rod area and cause you more grief.
If you do stick with it and run it, re torque the cylinder head after 500 miles or so.
If it is a 2,25 diesel this requires removing the injectors to get at the studs, Do not skimp on this the head gasket will blow by push rod area and cause you more grief.
I will do. may send the head in for recon yet ad it smokes on startup and pulling away after waiting at junctions. At least I reckon stem seals. The guy did give me a partial refund so that was ok. Always worth paying paypal for this ebay mallarky as you can get refund more easily.
Have you had the rocker cover off for a check, the seals may just have lifted or not been fitted right. What colour smoke - I'm guessing blue.

Is it a diesel or petrol? If petrol are you sure the carb's set up right, when mines on the choke it can easily start to flood when idling and on the old weber when set up too rich had similar problems at first. Also worth checking oil breather setup in case oil is being sucked into carb / manifold.
I wouldn't, I tried and I can't be sure but the two oil changes I did when it was like that the oil was very ****ty after 6000 miles, now its set up properly it is like new after 6k. Also, it stank the car out...
I wouldn't, I tried and I can't be sure but the two oil changes I did when it was like that the oil was very ****ty after 6000 miles, now its set up properly it is like new after 6k. Also, it stank the car out...
That's exactly what it was!! thanks. \the engine breather had the diaphragm missing and was sucking up the oil. sorted now.

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