I had the same problem, couldn't figure out how to get at the wiper to change it, so had to ask the local RR expert. Answer was open the tailgate, top and bottom, then close top tailgate only, switch on rear wiper , go around the back of your truck and when rear wiper reaches centre of travel open top tailgate, Hey Presto! wiper stops half way and you can change the blade.
you dont have to open bottom!!! just press the button when its at the bottom and open boot lid!

i usually chuck an old boot between top and bottom just to make sure it dunt close and start off again!
you dont have to open bottom!!! just press the button when its at the bottom and open boot lid!

i usually chuck an old boot between top and bottom just to make sure it dunt close and start off again!

whats the old boots name then gav.:D:p;)

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