
New Member
First off, apologies if this exact problem has been asked about but I did try the search and read a fair few threads but none seemed to have the same problem.

Anywho my problem is that when I press the rear tailgate (it sounds and clicks like it should and realises the tailgate latch) the window drops only half the distance that it should to clear the roof gutter jobby, therefor making it a risky business getting the boot open. However if I use the window button manually in the cabin the window opens and closes, so I can then open the boot.

My other issue is that once i've opened it more than, say 3 inches, the frigging window takes a bloody mind of its own and goes to the bottom. I then have to get it all the way to the top again to start over if I went to far down. If I don't take the window to the top and let go of the switch the window buggers off back into its cave again.....It's somewhat tiring and incredibly irritating :p

And seeing as its a 3 door van with a boot that i'd quite like to use without cursing and blowing blood vessels, it'd be really helpful if someone has a good idea of what it is?

I also don't know why it started doing it as I changed the batter and then reset the window (as it were) and it was fine, but one day it just decided to stick the V's up and cause me a lot of grief :L

Thank you muchly for your time :D
well it worked fine after i changed the battery, as the ruddy thing dropped to its cave when i disconnected it but when i connected it all back up I got the window to the top it was fine. But is there an OFFICIAL reset procedure? Because I've had the rear panel and cover off but couldnt find anything broken or amiss.

p.s. thanks for the fast response
when the battery is re-connected the fob lock button must be pressed 5 times in succession. this resets the system
When you connect the battery, the window drop in the window cave.

From the dash switch, close the window.

I find that you have to re-open and close the window again to calibrate it properly.
When you lower on the dash switch, the glass should stop wherever you want it to.

When raising on the dash switch, raise it fully or it will just lower again - it's designed that way.

Plenty of threads on here about the glass not dropping enough to open the tailgate - mostly people have found the window motor is faulty.;)
sorry about the delay (been on holiday) but thanks for the advice! plently to look into. I've tried the resetting with the fob and the up and down with the switch both to no effect :( im trying to sell it and this is letting it down!
The other thing it can be is wear on the cables. as it only drops a small amount when opening the tailgate, the motor and pulleys move the correct amount but the cables need to take up the slack due to the wear and the glass only move half the amount.
The other thing it can be is wear on the cables. as it only drops a small amount when opening the tailgate, the motor and pulleys move the correct amount but the cables need to take up the slack due to the wear and the glass only move half the amount.

I have this problem with mine! But mine is due to a crappy replacement from fleebay.

With mine, if the tailgate is released I can lower the window by hand (which takes up the slack in the cable) which enables me to open it.

When shutting the door does the window raise up?
Poor quality cable kits can be a problem...

Have you tried disconnecting the battery again and then re calibrating?
hmm havent tried moving it with my hands. the window doesnt move at all, no noise no nothing, when i close the tailgate back up :/ i have disconnected it and recalibrated it but i think ill give it another go tomorrow as ive got a few days off still. Its not a massive drama but makes life that much easier than having to lower it with the button and raise it back up with the button.

however when i recalibrated it last time it did work once (as it should) but then went back to being a pain in the arse again! Does it make a difference if the window wiper isnt fully on the rubber strip? because the window wiper arm has a bit of play in the splines and ive heard that sometimes that can cause some issues?
As long as the wiper thinks it is parked the window works. If the wiper isn't parked the window won't work at all.

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