
New Member
I got stuck in the mud the other day, and when I tried to exit, I noticed only the front wheels were driving. I've had someone take a look at it, and they thought it was the centrafuegal clutch not kicking in.

Has anyone else experienced this? Can it be fixed, or would it need replaced?

The car is a year 2000, and I only bought it 3 months ago.

Any help would be appreciated.

Either your vcu has been drained or your ird is bust or a 2wheel drive unit.

Cheers for the quick reply. I'm not really any use at fixing anything mechanical, how would I know how to check for either of these? Is this a common problem?

When you say drained, what exactly do you mean? What is it thats in it? I'm actually unsure about what a VCU or an IRD even are to be honest.
They contain a silicone type of fluid that can deteriorate with age causing the vcu to start to fail causing the drive train to wind up and then take out the ird or diff or both.
Common practice when this happens is for the owners to remove the rear prop and continue driving the hippo in just front wheel drive.... as long as the ird isnt totalled.
Some dodgy resellers sell so called recon vcu's with the fluid drained to give the impression the vehicle is still a 4x4 and this normally gets noticed when the owner gets stuck in the mud.
Its probably had a 2wd fake vcu fitted as they never really fail in 2wd, if that's the case its a pretty crappy trick but an easy, slightly costly fix!
Jack up one side of the FL (both front and rear wheels) spin the front wheel and the rear should rotate too as I understand. This should prove that your IRD is functioning and intact. If both wheels don't spin = IRD problem.

Also do the 1 wheel up test. My FL had a Beaumont recon VCU fitted which also got me stuck in a muddy field with only front wheels spinning .... Here is mine in YouTube......

Hope this helps ;)
Just to clarify the one wheel up test would see a good/healthy VCU return a drop time of around 15-18 seconds so I am told ;)
Just to clarify the one wheel up test would see a good/healthy VCU return a drop time of around 15-18 seconds so I am told ;)

I thought that, but it seems anything up to 30 seconds can be shown on a new/newly refurbed VCU.

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