
New Member
I'm sure I've read about this problem before..but can't for the life of me find a solution.

I have a Freelander XEDI '98, 2.0 diesel for my sins.
(It's actually been a very good and reliable car since I got it 3 years ago)
Yesterday the rear tailgate glass stopped dropping down an inch when opening/closing the rear tail gate (door) - (it only moves about 2 mm!)
You can manually push it down a inch, the window goes up and down ok using the switch on the dash, so I know the motor works.
I performed the re-calibration procedure...(Disconnect the battery, re-connect it...close rear glass, open rear glass, close rear glass, whilst revving at 1500 rpm, idle, switch off...etc)
BUT the problem remains...

Any one have any ideas?


The tailgate door handle uses two small return springs on the press-plate to ensure that the micro-switch operates correctly. These springs tend to corrode and eventually fall off causing the sort of problem you describe.
Had the same problem. Removed the door panel and sprayed silicone lubricant on the slide rails and the rubber that the window slides in. Solved my probelm.My springs were still ok, but worth checking anyway.
Just lubed up the runner and mech, and sprayed the rubber surround...still hasn't cured the problem.
Return springs looked in good nick, so I have had a good spray around with the silicone and I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Re-calibrated it, again, just in case,
However... still doesn't drop down enough to clear the rear top surround.

May be it'll get better on its own, who knows?!?!

The Joys of Land Rover maintainance...
I tried the 10+ seconds on the unlock button on the key fob and all it did was open the rear that right?

It still does not cure my problem... glass still doesn't drop down far enough to clear the top plastic surround cover

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