They are the correct doors for an '86. First they were lift up handle 2 piece, then lift up handle 1 piece (yours) then later push button handle. You will struggle to find bits for your doors as I did, so I flogged the lot and got push button doors, that was 18 yrs ago.
That is a good shout, and probably a good suggestion as well. Likely the frames on those will be pretty hanging too.
They are the correct doors for an '86. First they were lift up handle 2 piece, then lift up handle 1 piece (yours) then later push button handle. You will struggle to find bits for your doors as I did, so I flogged the lot and got push button doors, that was 18 yrs ago.

If they are working then keep them but if you have removed the door card to inspect the lock give the frames a good check over and possibly a coat of paint and/or wax to keep the rust at bay. I would go the opposite was to the above and rather than fit the push button doors I would fit the 2 piece doors but I know they are hard to find as rears.

The rear door doesn't lock either but that's because the mechanism or barrel has seized up so it's a different problem

Unless you are particularly attached to your current rear door lock I would just replace the whole unit. Where as you can get new barrels it is no more effort to replace the whole thing especially as to replace the barrel you need to to be turning freely! I have just done this with my rear door and went for a full mechanism. The barrel kit is about £10 the whole lock is about £35.

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