Depending on how many you want, I saw a good conversion of some disco 2 rear seats. One was fold down boot ones the other was normal rear seats just bolted in. Be reasonably cheap and comfy though. It's what I'm thinking for back of 90 when done
Can you send me a link or some pics if possible.
I don't have the photos, but there was one in a recent issue of lro that had it done aswell. I think there's a thread on here somewhere to but I can't remember the name! Sorry couldn't be more help. They've been know to be fitted in front too, super comfy driving my D2 is like driving about on your sofa.
What is the CSW seat arrangement and where can I source used ones.
CSW is bench seats in the back facing inwards, you can still get them on ebay as lots rip them out for insurance purposes. As soon as you say 12 seater most insurers run a mile in the UK.
In my TD5 wagon I have the straight seat in the second row and the bench inward facing bench in the back. I would like to replace both of them and put in more comfortable seats. However I would like to get the flexibility of folding so that I can maintain load space.
I replaced the two seater benches in mine with a par of these (link). They are far more comfortable than the old benches and still fold up allowing the rear load area to be used. I was very lucky however, and picked them up as virtually new take outs from a half leather XS 110 and it only cost me £100 for all four. It is a very expensive option if you have to buy them all new.
When I bought my CSW it had no rear benches, for this reason:

It is a very expensive option if you have to buy them all new.

and because they would hardly ever get used over the front/middle row seating, I just put in two fold up benches and belts.
...but now I'm thinking of removing one side and installing one of these that I have kicking around:

What is the CSW seat arrangement and where can I source used ones.
Sorry, mate. Forgot about this, I meant to post a picture of the back of mine.



Mine's a 90 and this was the standard CSW rear seat arrangement, before they went forward facing. (You only got two forward facing seats in later models)
I didn't realise they were as expensive as the one in dag019's link.
Sorry again for the delay :oops:
Thanks. I have a new request. I need to top up my oil in the gearbox and transfer case. Can I use the same oil for both and what type should I use.
Isha, you should be able to get a download of the TD5 manual. If they are available, I should imagine @neilly will be able to provide a link to where it is. :)
It will list the oils in there.
They are different in my 300Tdi.
You could also try the search box on LandyZone, top right hand corner of the page.

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