
Active Member
Anyone know the part no for the rear parking sensors? Two of mine don't buzz, so I presume that they are bust - have seen a few different types on ebay - so just wanted to check the part numbers. A couple of places say YDB500301PMA but a few other say these are FL2 and range rover only.

Ta very much
Will do - was hoping to order today while I was at work so they were here in time for the weekend, but yeah I suppose the only way to be sure is to remove one. Bumper off though isnt it?
Not sure on a freelander. My disco you can get your hand in the back of the bumper. They are a bayonet kind of fitting on mine. Push out of the bumper, twist about ten degrees ish and pull out the back of the bumper.
Haven't done it yet, was going to have a look today but with the weather being so nice I decided to take my son fishing. Will have a look soon and get the results posted on here.
Haven't done it yet, was going to have a look today but with the weather being so nice I decided to take my son fishing. Will have a look soon and get the results posted on here.
Good on you. One of the things I live for, other than looking after my Freelander, is to go fishing with my son. He's old enough to go fishing with his mates now (has been for a good few years actually!) and he took 2 days out for a fishing trip with a mate in the week. Fridge and freezer nicely stocked with Trout and Salmon now :)




Good on you. One of the things I live for, other than looking after my Freelander, is to go fishing with my son. He's old enough to go fishing with his mates now (has been for a good few years actually!) and he took 2 days out for a fishing trip with a mate in the week. Fridge and freezer nicely stocked with Trout and Salmon now :)

Its a matter if priority and making memories bud, some cracking fish in those pics mind and a cracking job at filleting them - something I am hopeless at! My son is only 11, but loves going fishing. To be honest its the reason we bought the FL, the missus got sick of me keeping all the fishing gear in the back of the family car, so the FL is for me and the boy only - I keep the other one clean for when the wife gets in haha. We had a cracking day yesterday, I got a couple of trout and my son caught one on his new rod. I was planning on using the fly, but ended up just ledgering with it being so warm and sunny. I tried a few lures both there wasn't much going on - so ended up just sticking the bait in the water and chilling out in the sun.
lol, yeh some great memories. The first time I took him fishing was to the fishing jetty in Lyttleton Harbour, he was 8 or 9 at the time and we'd just moved over here. He got a bite and struck, then the fish pulled the rod slamming back down onto the hand rail along the edge of the jetty and proceeded to pull him all the way along the jetty :) We didn't find out what it was as it got away, presume it was a Ray or big Eel - but he was hooked after that! Then a day at the same jetty when he had another really big fish, excitedly reeling it in to find a piece of carpet stuck to the hook. Or the weekend we went down to the Tekapo Canals (where he got the fish above) to find the whole system looked like milk due to glacial dust washed down into the lakes and canal system. Impossible to fish cos the fish couldn't see the lures, but miraculously a fish came up and took Michael's lure just as he was about to lift it from the water, just for the lure to come off cos he hadn't tied it properly! The only fish we saw all weekend. Then the time me and a mate are fishing in our waders with proper Salmon gear at the mouth of the Waimak, as we did often but neither of us ever having caught a sea run, and Michael's there with his Trout gear walking out in his trainers and pulls out a 12lb Salmon :) Then there was the time we went to Birdlings Flat beach fishing, we'd set up and our baits were out but I'd left the coffee flask in the car. So I told him to stay put, don't move, don't do anything till I get back, so I runs over to the car, grabs the flask and comes back and he says he's got a fish on, he hands me the rod and I tell him there's nothing on there but he animatedly won't accept my judgement, so we reel it in. Here he is with the Kahawai that "wasn't" on the line :)


Great times :)

Yep, nothing better than loading the Freelander up with our gear, and we'll put in our golf clubs to for a round, and heading off for the weekend. He filleted those fish by the way - so he's probably going to turn out better than me at that as well as fishing :) Fishing was also a big reason for us in switching from our old Discovery to Freelander. Our trips maybe take us 400 miles and we were not making them as often as we'd like because of the cost of petrol. We don't have to worry about it with the Freelander as its so much more economical.

Sounds like you had a great day by the water. Where did you go?
yeah, it was at Fontburn reservoir about 30miles north of where I live, Its up near Rothbury in the north east of England. Was an absolutely gorgeous day really warm (well, warm for us up here anyway haha). It was so peaceful up there - ended up just kicking back in my chair, pulling my hat over my face and nodding off.

yeah, it was at Fontburn reservoir about 30miles north of where I live, Its up near Rothbury in the north east of England. Was an absolutely gorgeous day really warm (well, warm for us up here anyway haha). It was so peaceful up there - ended up just kicking back in my chair, pulling my hat over my face and nodding off.

Looks great :)

Just Googled it and had a look at the NW fishing website, you've got some fantastic facilities up there. They look to be well cared for and serviced.

If you're ever holidaying down this way be sure to let us know, we can take you and your son out for a few hours chasing Trout or Kahawai at the Waimakariri mouth here in Chch or meet up for a Trout/Salmon bash on the Tekapo canal system :)
those we caught on lake Rotorua we beautiful as we will do again next year
Nice fish, never tried fishing from boat, but would love to give it a go. Mackerel season is just starting up here, so I will be out along the pier this weekend with my light rod and a couple of dexter wedges.
those we caught on lake Rotorua we beautiful as we will do again next year
Nice :)

Did you find a thermal area on the lake shore to bury the fish in foil to cook it?

The Trout Michael caught last week was from a boat, but nothing so palacial - Alexandrina is a non-powered lake, so it was trolled behind a rowed dingy. First time he's ever done that.

We must meet up some time :)
Nice fish, never tried fishing from boat, but would love to give it a go. Mackerel season is just starting up here, so I will be out along the pier this weekend with my light rod and a couple of dexter wedges.
Mackerelling is great fun - one of those things you miss over here - like good beer and cheap parts for Landies.
Nice :)

Did you find a thermal area on the lake shore to bury the fish in foil to cook it?

The Trout Michael caught last week was from a boat, but nothing so palacial - Alexandrina is a non-powered lake, so it was trolled behind a rowed dingy. First time he's ever done that.

We must meet up some time :)

Mackerelling is great fun - one of those things you miss over here - like good beer and cheap parts for Landies.

All beer is cheap when you brew your own - sticking a 30 bottle wine kit on this weekend, and then a 40pint guinness one the following weekend - cost me about £50 in total for the two kits and the sugar etc. be ready in about 3 weeks time :)

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