phil kelly

New Member
I have some damage to the rear side panel,about 6 inches from where it meets the corner panel with the light cluster.
I've had a look behind the side upholstery but it's double skinned so can't get at it to knock the damage out.
I see some screws that appear on the inside edge of the corner panel where the door closes to.
Does anybody know if I take these out can I remove the corner panel and maybe be able to get to the damage between the skins without wrecking anything?
Series 2 Disco.
Phil Kelly
replace the panel, screwed by the door as you said and pop riveted or just skim it, bear in mind its ally so it does have a lot more flex than steel panels. fibreglass is probably your best bet with a small skim of filler. either way your into paint and very expensive if you cant do it yourself and to get a good match or its gonna stick out like a saw thumb to anyone with an eye for things like this.
could try the old series or defender approach and rivet a bit of chequer plate over it!:D
dont think you would get a very good match spraying with tins- could end up looking worse and dont even think about diy if its metallic!:eek: :eek:
i would let the professionals do it or live with it if it aint to bad :)

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