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I know it is always on the near-side, but is there any reason why it can't go on the off-side?
My old 2a had it on the offside.

Someone had mounted a rear facing headlight into the tub on the nearside. It was great & very useful for reminding people not to flash you out of their way!


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Cheers, all. Hoped it would be ok? Might have to move mine to cover some dodgy rivet holes. :eek:

arc. What on earth was that rear facing headlight for? It's an impressive reversing light, if that's what it is. :D
it may hide your rivet holes but it will just look "wrong"

a few dodgy rivet holes would be a better look than the plate on the wrong side IMO unless your in a left hooker ;)


Would light guards hide your rivet holes ? or what about that alloy badge on the opposite side of my landy - would that hide them ?

it may hide your rivet holes but it will just look "wrong"

a few dodgy rivet holes would be a better look than the plate on the wrong side IMO unless your in a left hooker ;)

Your absolutely right, mate. It will look wrong. This has already gone through my mind. Contemplated cutting a strip of aluminium to cover the line of holes and rivet through that again. Just desperate/despondent thoughts during a low point of disaapointment :eek: Hadn't considered a large Land Rover badge! That's a good idea, cheers.

Originally posted by mikescuba.
This might be of some help. This is for Australia but I wouldn't think its much different for the UK

TRANSPORT OPERATIONS (ROAD USE MANAGEMENT?VEHICLE REGISTRATION) REGULATION 2010 - SECT 30 30 Position, visibility and legibility of number plate

Just checked with the UK regulations and it is the same.
(Display of Registration Marks) Regulations 2001

Cheers, mike. I hoped it wouldn't make a difference, but it's good to know it's ok, should I go down that route. Top Drive's right though. It won't look right.
Hadn't considered a large Land Rover badge! That's a good idea, cheers.

Later 90s like mine had a plastic decal on the back saying Land Rover, above the decal saying, Turbo. These are quite big, bigger than the early metal ones, so might cover more holes! :)

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your absolutely right, mate. It will look wrong. This has already gone through my mind. Contemplated cutting a strip of aluminium to cover the line of holes and rivet through that again. Just desperate/despondent thoughts during a low point of disaapointment :eek: hadn't considered a large land rover badge! That's a good idea, cheers.

Cheers, mike. I hoped it wouldn't make a difference, but it's good to know it's ok, should i go down that route. Top drive's right though. It won't look right.

+1, mine is a LHD with the rear number plate on the left.
I know it is always on the near-side, but is there any reason why it can't go on the off-side?

Nope none at all. I looked up the regs last year as someone was asking about the front plate. Here is the official answer for the rear, hope it helps :D

The Road Vehicles (Display of Registration Marks)
Regulations 2001.

Where it states relevant date it means 1st September 2001.

Fixing of rear registration plates: vehicles registered on or after the relevant date
5.—(1) This regulation applies to vehicles, other than works trucks, road rollers and
agricultural machines, first registered on or after the relevant date.
(2) A registration plate must be fixed on the rear of—
(a) the vehicle, or
(b) where the vehicle is towing a trailer, the trailer, or
(c) where the vehicle is towing more than one trailer, the rearmost trailer.
(3) Where a vehicle (or, in a case where the plate is required to be fixed on a trailer, that
trailer) has been constructed so as to satisfy the requirements of the relevant type-approval
directive, whether or not it is required by law to satisfy them, the plate may be fixed in the space
provided in accordance with those requirements but if it is not so fixed it must be fixed in the
manner required by paragraph (5).
(4) Except as provided in paragraph (3) the plate must be fixed in the manner required by
paragraph (5).
(5) This paragraph requires the plate to be fixed—
(a) vertically or, where that is not reasonably practicable, in a position as close to the
vertical as is reasonably practicable, and
(b) in such a position that in normal daylight the characters of the registration mark are
easily distinguishable from every part of a relevant area having the diagonal length
specified in paragraph (6).

(6) The diagonal length of the relevant area is—
(a) in the case of a mark having characters the width of which is at least 57 millimetres,
22 metres,
(b) in the case of a mark having characters the width of which is 50 millimetres, 21.5
(c) in the case of a mark having characters the width of which is 44 millimetres, 18 metres.
Cheers all. Just popped in for a cuppa. Busy grinding more metal off the inner wings to see if I can get the quarter panels to sit properly and get the correct door measurement . Then I'll see where the pop rivet holes end up. Chances are it's be a mess to sort out one way or the other!
Hadn't noticed but the holes for the number plate light are already in the panel.


Had already decided to stick with the nearside, but that would have forced my hand.

I reckon I have the rear quarter panels sorted not and have put an update on my rebuild thread.

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