
New Member
Morning all,

Noticed last night my rear lights are no working. Also my two brake lights are also not working however the third brake light mounted above the spare wheel is fine.

Any ideas? Which fuse/s should I be looking at? Also where are these lights earthed?

Many thanks
Hi ratty, yes my rear indicators are working. Many thanks, James
It sounds like a broken earth. Your side lights and brake lights work on seperate systems so unless you have 2 faults I would check this first.
To see if it is an earth fault connect a piece of wire from the earth on one of the lights to the rear crossmember. Here is a link to another thread to tell you how to trace the original or fit a new one.

indicators earth
Yep all sorted now ratty, as you suspected broken earth on both systems I think. Well it works now anyway so all is well again! Many thanks for your help ratty most appreciated!!! Now I am off sun bathing, have a nice day! :D


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