
New Member
I've got a problem with my rear near side light. The lamp with the double filament is working but the lamp is very dull when compared to the other lamps and I also get a warning on the dash. I have cleaned all the contacts and checked the wiring.

Any ideas? I also have bought a recon LCM to be fitted as I often get spurious warnings of lamp defects.


What has fallen off today:)
Check for moisture inside the Lamp assembly...also check the earth points for security and/or corrosion...the one in the spare wheel well is prone to getting damp!

Dim lamps is either a supply problem, earth problem or corrsion!
Check for moisture inside the Lamp assembly...also check the earth points for security and/or corrosion...the one in the spare wheel well is prone to getting damp!

Dim lamps is either a supply problem, earth problem or corrsion!

The strange thing is it's only one lamp the off side are fine as is the other lamp in the same cluster. May need to get a voltmeter.

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