
Active Member
Ok I feel a bit silly posting this one, as I'm sure somone is going to point out something very ovbious I have missed.

Took out the rear indicator bulb today and when I tried to put it back it wouldnt fit. That is, the plastic bulb holder with bulb didnt want to mate with the corresponding half on the bumper. Theres two larger notches which have cut outs which I lined up, but then there are smaller notches which dont have cut outs which seem to be causing the problem.

Is there a knack to getting these back in? Haynes says just rotate clockwise but you have to push it in before it will rotate & lock but i cant get it to go in to begin with. :mad:
That is the ovbious answer but I was fighting with it for 15 mins and couldnt get anywhere, even after trying to force it in with a screwdriver. There is ovbiously a knack to it which i havent sussed yet.
If I remember correctly these bulb holders have to go back in the correct way up. The locating lugs are different. And yes they can be a pain.
If I remember correctly these bulb holders have to go back in the correct way up. The locating lugs are different. And yes they can be a pain.

I can definitely agree with the above quote. I dread indicator bulbs going on my 94 300Tdi Disco. Each time I have had to tackle the job it has turned out to be an absolute ****er. There is a knack to it, but that knack has never got any easier for me. You can struggle for ages and ages and then all of a sudden for what appears to be no reason at all the sod slots into place.

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