
I got home and realized that one of my rear hub caps had come off, black oily grease on the wheel and the end of the stub axle showing. If the hub cap is just to keep the dust out is it OK to drive like this so that I can take it to the garage (~3 miles) and have them check it out?
I am concerned that the stub axle is protruding more than in any picture or video I have seen on how to remove/replace the hub so I am worried that something may have come loose, causing the hub to move on the axle, and that popped off the hub cap.
Don't want the wheel to come off on the way to the garage.
Is that even possible?
Thanks for helping a newbie - first Landy and only owned for a few months so still a lot to learn!
It's possible the drive flange is worn and this is allowing the driveshaft to move out so far. What year is your Land Rover is it disc breaks or Drums on the rear? looks like the thinner style drive flange which was fitted to newer disc brake axels
I got home and realized that one of my rear hub caps had come off, black oily grease on the wheel and the end of the stub axle showing. If the hub cap is just to keep the dust out is it OK to drive like this so that I can take it to the garage (~3 miles) and have them check it out?
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I am concerned that the stub axle is protruding more than in any picture or video I have seen on how to remove/replace the hub so I am worried that something may have come loose, causing the hub to move on the axle, and that popped off the hub cap.
Don't want the wheel to come off on the way to the garage.
Is that even possible?
Thanks for helping a newbie - first Landy and only owned for a few months so still a lot to learn!
you need to strip that wheel station down cv is poking out further than it should be able
oops my mistake since its rear youd need a new halftshaft and drive member
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It's possible the drive flange is worn and this is allowing the driveshaft to move out so far. What year is your Land Rover is it disc breaks or Drums on the rear? looks like the thinner style drive flange which was fitted to newer disc brake axels
It's a 2008 Puma 90 Hardtop. Disks all round.
Are the half shafts the same as on earlier models ? If so would a 300tdi all in one shaft from a disco fit there must be 1000's of them around for peanuts now.

Oops just looked at that link, yes they are the same!
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The cap is just a cover you can't break anything by taking it off but you might have to get a new one to get it to stay on again- only costs pennies.
Thanks Joe, Is OK to take the caps on and off or will the other one need replacing as well if I take it off?
Checked the other side. Hub caps are rubber and quite perished so probably time to replace anyway.

On the good side the stub axle barely protrudes past the circlip - maybe quarter of an inch or so.
On the bad side it's jutting out over an inch which is why the hubcap came off in the first place.
Looks like the hub must have slid in on the axle if that's possible.


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The cap is just a cover you can't break anything by taking it off but you might have to get a new one to get it to stay on again- only costs pennies.
Thanks again Joe. I just realized I have been mixing my parts. It's the half shaft that is protuding. The stub axle is further along the half shaft on the bad side. On the good side the stub axle is almost at the end of the half shaft with hardly any half shaft exposed.
As has been said already theres something seriously amiss cos the shaft shouldn't be able to move out like that. If it was mine I'd take off the drive member and see what else comes off with it- nothing else should move . Take off the circlip and the drive should slide out over the shaft. you don't need to take the wheel or anything off to do that.
Thanks TorsionBhudda - it looks like the stub axle has slid inwards on the end of the half shaft so that the half shaft is sticking out more on the bad side than the good. Is it dangerous to drive like that for a short distance to a mechanic? I don't have any tools or workspace for that kind of job yet although I can see some in my future ;)
As has been said already theres something seriously amiss cos the shaft shouldn't be able to move out like that. If it was mine I'd take off the drive member and see what else comes off with it- nothing else should move . Take off the circlip and the drive should slide out over the shaft. you don't need to take the wheel or anything off to do that.
I will take a look at that next.
The half shaft has slid out because the drive flange and half
Thanks TorsionBhudda - it looks like the stub axle has slid inwards on the end of the half shaft so that the half shaft is sticking out more on the bad side than the good. Is it dangerous to drive like that for a short distance to a mechanic? I don't have any tools or workspace for that kind of job yet although I can see some in my future ;)

The stub axle can't move it's fixed. it's the half shaft thats slid out the way this is because the splines of the shaft and drive flange are worn. It's not dangerous but the shaft sliding in and out can damage the diff you will also be loosing diff oil as you drive.
If its the stub axle that is broken thats a different story and poss dangerous to drive, I've never seen one broken so that it moves like you say.......

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