
Well-Known Member
Have any of you clever chaps ever repaired the heat element on your rear windscreen. I was just explaining to Vilguy that I was going to have to replace the screen as it wasn't working, he suggested that it might have a broken connection which I could repair, this sounds like a plan as the wire itself is showing a voltage and the element has no continuity whilst using the voltmeter.

How would you repair the element, not sure where to start.
Used to be able to get a paint-on repairer, bit like a conductive Tippex, probably still exists. Then it's a case of going along the lines and painting over any breaks/worn areas!
Seriously, is it as simple as that.?! Fantastic!!!

Where do I get this stuff from, I assume somewhere like Frost.?!
You can get Pens with conductive ink from Amazon, and also a bottle of paint and brush which I think Amazon stock too. I got the paint from my local parts shop

They are not cheap, £20 ish and to be fair wish I'd have just replaced the rear screen as it looks a mess and hasn't fixed it. I think rear screens are about £45, and I would look at that option. If not you can trace the voltage with a multimeter and it will show you where the breaks in the element are.
I had this with my 90 when I bought it. The previous owner had dogs, and when I tried tracing all the breaks it seemed that the dogs had enjoyed scratching on the back window - there were dozens of breaks, as I fixed one and followed the voltage I found another:mad:
I gave up and fitted a new window, can't remember how much it was, but not much. Watch the thickness though, I think there are two different thicknesses, depending on the year. Good luck!
Yep used to get it in a small nail varnish type bottle, came with a stencil that was clearly to wide compared to the wire u repair
Had more success making a very fine stencil from decent card, a lot neater but a lot of patience needed a damn steady hand
Not a happy chappy :(

It doesn't appear to be getting good reviews. I need either a good used rear heated screen or look for a supplier of new ones.
I was thinking of the paint on conductor too, but then thought, can it really carry the power (it's on a 10A fuse).

I saw this stuff too: "Conductive Wire Glue/Paint ", and thought the same, can it handle amps?

Also thought about using the above glue and fixing some 1mm copper wire across the gaps in the silver filaments.

Then thought, for the hassle get a replacement window.

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Well, if you do check the sealing strip too:


.. and remove as best you can all the ****ty stuff left behind, they seem to stick to all the bits you want to be clean.

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